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5.2. ERMU SR 02-24-2009
City Government
Boards and Commissions
Utilities Commission
5.2. ERMU SR 02-24-2009
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3/9/2009 3:47:56 PM
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3/9/2009 3:47:56 PM
City Government
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• Transfer items to vehicle being used to travel to the project/work site; <br />• Upon completion of the project/day's work, record inventory items used on the <br />inventory sheet to be turned in for record keeping; and <br />• Return any unused items to inventory stock in a timely manner. <br />Regular Counts <br />On at least an annual basis, inventory counts are to be performed and a reconciliation of any <br />discrepancies completed to account for all inventory used and inventory still in stock. <br />Because there are inventory items that justify more careful planning and attention, such items <br />will be reviewed with higher frequency. Significant items (as identified by purchasing and <br />management) including items costing over $1,000 per piece or high risk items (such as wire with <br />high salvage values) will be counted quarterly. A reconciliation will be performed for any <br />discrepancies to account for all inventory used and inventory still in stock. <br />Equipment <br />There is equipment that is not in inventory but which is necessary for the completion of electric <br />and water infrastructure construction and maintenance. Items such as chain saws, power drills, <br />crimping tools, etc. are resource investments that need to be managed. A listing of these items, <br />with the quantity and location of each item, will be maintained and periodically reviewed for <br />accountability. The minimum review period will be quarterly. <br />Ensuring Accuracy <br />Employees are responsible for and must take steps to ensure the accuracy and completeness of <br />inventory reporting data. In addition, employees that utilize and transport inventory must take <br />necessary steps to safeguard such inventory from loss or theft. When an employee submits <br />inventory reporting data, he or she is attesting to the accuracy of the data. Knowingly submitting <br />or approving inaccurate inventory reporting data or careless reporting such data is a violation of <br />policy and may subject the person to appropriate disciplinary action. <br />6. JOB POSTING <br />As position vacancies occur at the Utility, the position's job description will be posted in a <br />prominent location to inform employees of the vacancy. Employees that wish to be considered <br />for the position are encouraged to contact the appropriate decision-maker(s) indicated on the <br />posting. The Utility may also advertise the vacancy to attract external candidates. <br />The Utility retains its managerial rights and will solely decide who is best qualified to fill the <br />vacant position either from current employees or applicants outside the company. <br />
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