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Case File: V 09-01 <br />Page 3 <br />Variance <br />Frcd McCoy <br />The lot area is approximately 5,600 square feet and the existing building with proposed addition will <br />be approximately 4,000 square feet. The ordinance states that impervious surface coverage shall not <br />exceed 25 percent of the lot area. The existing structure plus the addition would cover <br />approximately 70 percent of the lot. <br />Applicable Regulations <br />Variance Criteria <br />7. Literal enforcement of the ordinance will cause undue hardship. <br />Literal enforcement will not cause undue hardship as the applicant has a functioning business in <br />the existing building on the property. <br />2. The hardship is caused by~sDecial conditions and circumstances which are~eculiar to the~ro~erty and the <br />structure involved and which are not characteristic o or a~licable to other lands or structure in the same area. <br />There are no special conditions and circumstances that are peculiar to the property. Although <br />the bluff setback varies depending on topography, it does affect all properties in the area. <br />3. The .r~iecial conditions and circumstances are not a consequence o~the~ietitioner's own action or inaction. <br />There are no special conditions and circumstances to the property. <br />4. The literal ai~blication o~the t~rovisions o~this ordinance would derive the~etitioner o~rights en~oyed b oy ther <br />1~ro~erties in the same district under the terms o~this ordinance. <br />The petitioner would not be deprived any rights, as they have a functioning business in the <br />existing building on the property, as do other properties in the same district. <br />5. The variance will not be incurious to or adversely a,~fect the health salty or n~e~are of the residents of the cit~r <br />the neighborhood where the~rro~erty is located and will be in keeling with spirit and intent of the ordinance. <br />The variance will not be injurious to or adversely affect the health, safety or welfare of the <br />residents of the city. <br />Action Motion by Second by Vote <br />Follow Up <br />S:\PLANNING MAIN\Case Files\Variance\V 09-01 Fred McCoy\V 09-O1_BA.doc <br />