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~j <br />Elk River -~ <br />Municipal Utilities <br />13069 Orono Parkway • P.O. Box 430 <br />Elk River, MN 55330-0430 <br />June 2, 2008 <br />To: Elk River Municipal Utilities Commission <br />Jerry Takle <br />John Dietz <br />Jerry Gumphrey <br />From: Bryan Adams <br />Subject: Comparable Worth <br />Phone: 763.441.2020 <br />Fax: 763.441.8099 <br />At the April 2008 Elk River Municipal Utilities Commission meeting, John Dietz requested a <br />presentation on State of Minnesota Comparable Worth legislation. I contacted Faith Zwemke of <br />Department of Employee Relations concerning a presentation to this commission. Due to being <br />a one person office she does not do presentations but felt the instruction to the compliance <br />software provides adequate explanation. Enclosed is the following for your information: <br />1) Paper titled "Pay Equity in Minnesota Public Employment" that I wrote in 1995 while at <br />University of St. Thomas in the MBA program. <br />2) "Guide to Understanding Pay Equity Compliance and Computer Reports" by Minnesota <br />Department of Employee Relations. <br />3) Notice of Compliance dated 10-6-06. We will need to file again in 5 years or in 2011. <br />At our meeting I will do a short presentation on how the comparable worth software works and <br />interpreting the results. <br />John Dietz also requested a survey of the following seven organizations to determine how they <br />determine administrative salary increases. The results of this survey are reflected below. <br />Chaska -Market surveys. They also use a pay per performance system for non-union. <br />Increase was 3.5% area -same as craft people. <br />Great River Energy -Market surveys. <br />North St. Paul -Start with union contract increase and evaluate from there. <br />Shakopee -Cost of living in 3% - 4% range plus merit. Each department gets a fixed <br />dollar amount that is awarded on merit. <br />City of Anoka - No response. <br />Wright Hennepin -Market survey plus merit increases. This year administrative <br />received 3.5% where craft people received 3.25%. <br />