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.''~~i <br />Elk River <br />Municipal Utilities <br />13069 Orono Parkway • P.O. Box 430 <br />Elk River, MN 55330-0430 <br />Apri129, 2008 <br />To: Elk River Municipal Utilities Commission <br />Jerry Takle <br />John Dietz <br />Jerry Gumphrey <br />From: Bryan Adams <br />Subject: Country Crossing Development Water Consumption <br />Phone: 763.441.2020 <br />Fax: 763.441.8099 <br />At our April 2008 Elk River Municipal Utilities Commission meeting, Jerry Olsen attended and <br />expressed concern about the high cost of lawn sprinkling. He asked if we could attend their <br />annual association meeting on April 28, 2008.. <br />Jerry CTumplirey and I attended this meeting and about 30 association members also attended. <br />showed a power point presentation on Elk River Water Resources and presented some water <br />conservation measures which are enclosed. Also given to them are the attached graphs which <br />reflect sprinkling water consumption for the last three years and sprinkling water-costs for the <br />last two years. Their major problem is they use, on occasion, over one million gallons,~month <br />between their two irrigation meters. A $2,SOOimonth water bill is common. <br />The meeting went very well with good discussions but they struggle with the concept of water <br />conservation anti not having green grass. <br />