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ELK RIVER MUNICIPAL UTILITIES <br />ELK RIVER, MINNESOTA <br />NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS <br />DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 <br />Note 1: SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES <br />A. Nature of the Business <br />The Elk River Municipal Utilities (the Utilities) is a municipal utility established by action of the City of Elk River <br />(the City) pursuant to Minnesota statute 412.321 and consequently it's Electric and Water funds are enterprise funds <br />of the City. The Public Utilities Commission (the Commission) members are appointed by the City Council. The <br />Commission determines all matters of policy. The Commission appoints personnel responsible for the proper <br />administration of all affairs relating to the Utilities. The Utilities distributes electricity and water to the residents of <br />Elk River, Dayton, Big Lake and Otsego, Minnesota. <br />The Utilities has considered all potential units for which it is fmancially accountable, and other organizations for <br />which the nature and significance of their relationship with the Utilities are such that exclusion would cause the <br />Utilities' fmancial statements to be misleading or incomplete. The Governmental Accounting Standards Board <br />(GASB) has set forth criteria to be considered in determining fmancial accountability. These criteria include <br />appointing a voting majority of an organization's governing body, and (1) the ability of the primary government to <br />impose its will on that organization or (2) the potential for the organization to provide specific benefits to, or impose <br />specific fmancial burdens on the primary government. There are no component units. <br />B. Measurement Focus, Basis of Accounting and Basis of Presentation <br />The accounts of the Utilities are organized and operated on the basis of funds. A fund is an independent fiscal and <br />accounting entity with aself-balancing set of accounts. Fund accounting segregates funds according to their intended <br />purpose and is used to aid management in demonstrating compliance with fmance-related legal and contractual <br />provisions. The minimum number of funds is maintained consistently with legal and managerial requirements. <br />Revenue resulting from exchange transactions, in which each party gives and receives essentially equal value, is <br />recorded on the accrual basis when the exchange takes place. <br />Non-exchange transactions, in which the Utilities receives value without directly giving equal value in return, include <br />property taxes, grants, entitlements and donations. Revenue from property taxes is recognized in the year for which <br />the tax is levied. Revenue from grants, entitlements and donations is recognized in the year in which all eligibility <br />requirements have been satisfied. Eligibility requirements include timing requirements, which specify the yeaz when <br />the resources are required to be used or the year when use is first permitted, matching requirements, in which the <br />Utilities must provide local resources to be used for a specified purpose, and expenditure requirements, in which the <br />resources are provided to the Utilities on a reimbursement basis. <br />Deferred revenue arises when assets are recognized before revenue recognition criteria have been satisfied. Grants <br />and entitlements received before eligibility requirements are met are also recorded as deferred revenue. <br />The prepazation of the fmancial statements in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United <br />States of America requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect certain reported amounts and <br />disclosures. Accordingly, actual results could differ from those estimates. <br />-13- <br />
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