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Management's Discussion and Analysis -Continued <br />April 7, 2008 <br />Water and Electric Rates -Continued <br />Water -The Utilities' latest increase in residential and commercial rates was effective January 2008. This year a third tier was <br />added to the rate structure. The monthly base charge for residential is $6.50 per month. In addition to the base charge, the <br />Utilities currently charges its residential customers $1.40 per 1,000 gallons up to 9,000 gallons, $3.50 between 9,000 gallons and <br />15,000 gallons, and $4.00 for usage above 15,000 gallons. Commercial customer's base charges are based upon meter size, from <br />$9.00 to $95.00 and an irrigation meter is $17.00. There is also a charge per thousand gallons, the same as the residential rate, <br />except the change from the lower rate to the higher rate is calculated based on previous consumption. <br />Certain other rates may be offered for conservation incentive purposes. The Utilities' offer a Senior Citizen rate as well. <br />The Utilities requires payment of all utility bills to be paid by the due date stated on the monthly bill. A ten percent penalty is <br />assessed for payments not received by the due date. The Utility may discontinue service of a customer not complying with the <br />disconnect policy of the Utility after receiving a written disconnect notice. Customers that have their service discontinued will be <br />charged a minimum of $50.00 to have their service reconnected. Commercial customers that have their service discontinued will <br />be charged a minimum of $100.00 to have their service reconnected. The Utilities abides by the Cold Weather Rules. <br />Deposit Policy <br />In 2007 the Utilities started collecting social security numbers from new accounts and also implemented a new deposit policy as a <br />proactive measure to try and reduce uncollectable accounts. A number of years ago deposits were collected from all new <br />accounts but it became very difficult to manage and so was discontinued. In implementing the new policy it was decided to <br />collect deposits from new accounts that did not supply a social security number or were identified as a credit risk. To determine <br />potential credit risk an assessment tool called "Online Utility Exchange" was implemented. This tool was recommended by the <br />APPA (American Public Power Association.) The amount of the deposit required will depend on the risk identified with the <br />customer. For residential customers, if there is a 68 percent or higher probability of non default and no negative history (no <br />disconnection for non-payment or late payments two or more times within 12 months) there is no deposit required. If there is a <br />lower than 68 percent probability of non default, a deposit of 2 times the estimated average monthly bill will be required before <br />utility service will be extended. <br />For commercial and industrial customers, a service agreement would need to be signed that identifies the guarantor of their <br />business and the guarantor's social security number. A deposit of 2 times the estimated monthly bill will be required. The deposit <br />shall be in the form of a cash deposit, personal. payment guarantee, or an irrevocable letter of credit. The irrevocable letter of <br />credit will be renewed as required and failure to do so will result in a charge equal to the amount of the letter of credit applied to <br />the monthly utility bill. <br />With good credit history for a period of three years, the deposit will be credited to the customer's utility account or the personal <br />guarantee/letter of credit returned to the customer. The appropriate interest will be applied to the account per state statutes. <br />-III- <br />