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Water P&L <br />Water Sales are pretty consistent from prior years. The increase in interest expense is the <br />same explanation as the electric, increased reserves balances to draw the interest from. <br />The Connection Fees are up, and as has been mentioned before, this is not a category that <br />is consistent at all from month to month or year to year. <br />Water Production expense is up over last year and Water Distribution expense is down <br />from last year. It is a difference in focus area this year for the labor components. <br />Pumping expense has an increase that is related to the natural gas bills being paid early <br />and so there is two months of expense appearing the total. (Also, an explanation on the <br />detail printouts for the maintenance of wells (account 62-710-7220) having $21, 551 in <br />the current amounts and only $18,737 in the year to date amounts is as follows. There <br />was an audit accrual of $12,314 for work performed in December and paid in February. <br />The accrual was reversed in January so there is no net effect to the financials for this <br />year, but both January and February are skewed in the presentation because of it.) <br />Administration expense has the same insurance expense timing issue that was mentioned <br />above in the electric explanation. The Dues and Subscriptions expense is another timing <br />issue. We pay quarterly to the Minnesota Department of Health $6,307and it was paid <br />early this year, in February, as opposed to March. <br />7 (`~ <br />