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Staff has reviewed these statistics in detail to find ways to improve. These statistics are in <br />general very complementary to ERMU. Glenn Sundeen and his department continue to do <br />an outstanding job in constructing, operating and maintaining an electrical system <br />particularly in a fast growing area. <br />Other utilities statistics on CAIDI, SAIDI, and SAIFI are still difficult to obtain and entities <br />play some games with these numbers. Below is a table reflecting local utilities statistics. <br /> SAIDI SAIFI CAIDI <br />Minnesota Power 143 1.2 120 <br />Otter Tail Power 115 to 70 2.1 to 1.25 59 to 55 <br />Xcel 153 to 99 1.36 to .96 112 to 99 <br />Elk River Municipal Utilities 7.4 .118 63 <br />Connexus 2003 Data 45 .56 80 <br />