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~ ------ -- --- --- ------------------- -- _--~ Formatted: Strikethrough <br />«b <br />Cam: :~,: ~~:~..~,. , . 4 1 I . <br />. ~ <br />We believe that Congress should concentrate its efforts on pushing for smart, effective <br />national climate change legislation that recognizes fuel diversity, is economy-wide, offers <br />appropriate incentives and credits, and acknowledges potential adverse impacts to U.S. <br />energy security and the economy. Minnesota's public power systems would support and <br />participate actively in these efforts. <br />MMUA believes that effective climate change policy must: <br />• Be national in scope. <br />• Be economy wide and apply to all industries, including sectors such as <br />transportation and manufacturing as well as electric generation. <br />• Protect the ability of U.S. and Minnesota industries to compete in world and <br />regional markets and carefully consider the competitive impact on jobs. <br />• Allow credit for early actions taken to reduce greenhouse emissions. <br />• Maintain reliability, protect national security and avoid over-reliance on any <br />single fuel by recognizing the importance to the nation of preserving a diverse <br />mix of electricity generation fuels, including coal, nuclear, natural gas, and all <br />renewable energy sources including hydro. <br />Minnesota Municipal Utilities Association <br />February 2008 <br />