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5. - 11. ICESR 08-14-2007
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Arena Commission
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5. - 11. ICESR 08-14-2007
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1/16/2009 12:01:47 PM
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1/16/2009 11:56:18 AM
City Government
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Unfortunately putting the cost of the Zamboni into the Arena's budget would create a <br />substantial deficit that the general fund that cannot be easily transferred back into the <br />Arena's budget to balance it. I have been checking into other sources to fund the <br />Zamboni, one of these is to find a sponsor for the machine, which has resulted in little to <br />no interest. Another option is to lease the machine from a leasing company. Attached for <br />your review is information regarding a lease from Northland Financial, from Minnetonka. <br />The finance charge over the life of the lease would exceed $23,000.00, which is a little <br />high considering other options that the city could explore. <br />6. Add a Skate Club representative to Arena Commission <br />The Elk River Skate Club Started in 1998 and has grown to over 50 skaters and rents <br />about 120 hours of ice each year from the Elk River Arena. The Elk River Skate Club is <br />an important customer to the Arena due to the fact that many of their skaters skate in the <br />summer programs offered by the Elk River Skating Academy as well as the regular <br />season. Most if not all of their participants are from the Elk River community very <br />similar to the Elk River Youth Hockey Association. Since they are one of the Arena's <br />main customers and support skating in the Elk River community, I feel they could <br />provide the Arena Commission with valuable information and a different in site regarding <br />their program and their customer base. <br />7. Pictures in Arena <br />Below is the discussion that took place at the August 2004 Arena Commission regarding <br />players pictures in the Arena. As you will notice a lot of discussion took place regarding <br />this issue, however a vote on this issue never took place. Looking at other pass Arena <br />Commission minutes I found other discussion on this issue, however none of these <br />discussions resulted in a vote either. <br />Hockey Player's Pictures in Rink (August 3`d 2004) <br />Commissioner Halgren stated that the display of pictures in the rink needs to be discussed <br />as there are many former Elk River players that have made great accomplishments and <br />whom should be recognized. <br />Mr. Czech stated that the current pictures hanging in the lobby are 10x14 with oak <br />frames, which are large enough to catch the eye yet not too large. It was stated that <br />uniformity of the pictures is a key issue and that one company should be selected to make <br />the frames to achieve this uniformity. Mr. Czech stated that the current frames are made <br />by Mike Jackson of Franklin Builders and he does a very nice job. Mr. Czech stated that <br />the player could be directed to Mr. Jackson or the Arena could purchase the frame and <br />bill it back to the player. The Commission felt it would be best to direct the player to Mr. <br />Jackson and for the pictures to be brought to the Arena ready to be displayed. <br />Discussion followed regarding what qualifications should be met to have a picture <br />displayed in the Arena. It was the consensus of the Commission that in order to have a <br />picture displayed in the Arena the player must have played at one of the following levels: <br />^ College -must have lettered at Varsity level <br />^ European Professional Hockey <br />
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