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C <br />~~ <br />~~ <br />Ver MEMORANDUM <br />TO: Ice Arena Commission, Members <br />FROM: Rich Czech, Arena Manager <br />DATE: August 3, 2006 <br />SUBJECT: Agenda Memo -August 8, 2006 <br />5) Review 2005 operating finances current information on 2005 financial status <br />Attached for your review are the financial summaries for the Arena for the years 2002 <br />thru 2005, along with the budget for 2006. <br />Revenues for ice rentals should meet or exceed the budget. So far this year we rented <br />$205,492.00 in ice sales. With the months of August through December to go, I'm <br />anticipating that we will sell about another $180,000.00 in ice. <br />The recreation fees look like they will be falling short of the budget. So far this year we <br />took in $84,827.00 in registrations for the Skating Academy and the Hockey skating <br />clinics and leagues. Looking back at what was taken in for the months of August through <br />the end of the year in 2005, we should expect another 20,000.00 to 25,000.00 in <br />registration fees. <br />With twenty high school games left to be played in 2006, the revenues for admission <br />should be over by about $3,500.00. This will largely depend on when the Roger's Arena <br />will be built, which will be addressed later. Attached for your review is the home high <br />school Hockey schedules to be played at the Arena. <br />Most expenditure line items look like they will be within the budget; however, I'm <br />always concerned with the utilities going over budget. At a resent M.I.A.M.A. <br />(Minnesota Ice Arena Manager's Association) meeting, a representative from Excel <br />Energy noted that energy costs may go up as much as 15% this winter. If this holds true, <br />we could see utility cost increase by an additional $10,000.00. Over the years we have <br />implement some policies and equipment to help conserve on electricity, motion detectors <br />for the lights in all of the locker rooms and bathrooms, keep only one bank of lights on <br />when there's no one on the ice, and install energy efficient motors whenever possible. <br />One possibility we are looking at is installing high efficiency fluorescent bulbs over the <br />rink surfaces. Most rinks that have been built over the last few years have installed these <br />types of fixtures because they use less electricity than medal halide fixtures. <br />