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Out of the 388 hours that Rogers rents, there are about 40 hours that are right after school <br />or are hours during the holiday break. When Rogers builds, these hours maybe lost due <br />to the fact that the younger groups can not get here because they are still in school or <br />because the coaches are still at work. Youth Hockey anticipates they will need about <br />1,500 hours this coming season; this is an increase of about 174 hours. This will leave <br />us with about 174 hours of ice to sell. I have been in contact with the Athletic Director <br />from Becker, he is very interested in moving his high school team back to Elk River. I <br />told him that we need to find out if Rogers will be back next year before committing any <br />hours to his group. <br />I have spoken with Paul Gustafson, Rogers High School Athletic Director. In our <br />conversation I explained to him that we needed to know if he plans on renting ice for the <br />whole season or just part of the season. At that time he didn't know what his needs were <br />going to be. We came to a mutual agreement that by the end of April he would give me a <br />definite answer of when or if he plans on renting ice from Elk River for the 2006 - 2007 <br />season. This still gives me enough time to sell the hours he will not be using. <br />This past spring we expanded the Break Away Hockey League to the Monticello Arena. <br />We were hoping to expand the league into an A and B level and increase the participants <br />in the league. We have noticed a few more registrations in the squirt level as well as in <br />the mite level. Mini mite registrations are pretty much at the same level as last spring. <br />Over all we used about the same amount of ice hours as last spring, which doesn't <br />include Monticello. <br />7. Ice Rates / Rogers Arena <br />Last year we increased the seasonal prime time ice rate from $145.00 an hour to $153.00 <br />and the non prime time rate from $115.00 an hour to $125.00 an hour. We also <br />increased the off season prime rate from $120.00 to $125.00 and the non prime time <br />hours from $75.00 an hour to $95.00. Attached for your review are the rates adopted last <br />year. <br />After reviewing the Arena's operation costs and other hourly rates at other Arenas in the <br />Northern area, my recommendation is to keep the seasonal (September -Mid March) ice <br />rates at their current rates, and review the non seasonal (Mid March -August) rates at the <br />August meeting. <br />8. Concession Stand <br />As stated above, the Arena took over the operations of the Concession Stand from Elk <br />River Youth Hockey. The city enhanced the operations of the Concession Stand by <br />purchasing some new equipment. A large three department sink that was in the front area <br />of the concession stand was traded in for a smaller three department sink that was <br />installed in the back room. A table was purchased and was placed where the old sink <br />was; this provided some extra room to prepare food items. A two door freezer was <br />purchased so that we could store more product and two refrigerators from Bernicks Pepsi <br />were added to store food products as well as 20 oz bottles of pop. Anew point of sales <br />system was added, that has touch screen operations. The system is tied in with the ice <br />