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Consider Proposal Prom Restaurant Brokers of Minnesota <br />October S, 2007 >JllA Meeting <br />Page 2 of 2 <br />In addition, Mr. Goldberger is aware of the EDA's interest in asking restaurant owners or <br />representatives what types of financial incentives they would need to locate in Elk River. <br />Furthermore, Mr. Goldberger has requested EDA policy direction on the types of incentives <br />the EDA is willing to offer (i.e. land acquisition, loans, Tax Abatement, etc. <br />Recommendation <br />Staff recommends that the EDA review and consider the attached proposal from the <br />Restaurant Brokers of Minnesota. Elk River would be the first city in the State of Minnesota <br />to enter into a contract with the Restaurant Brokers of Minnesota. <br />