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12-01-2008 CCM
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City Council 1974 - Present
12-01-2008 CCM
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city Council Nfinutes <br />December 1. 2008 <br />Page <br />asked the council not to move ahead Nv ,th any development in the area until the North. Star <br />Lne is completed and rung. <br />Les Lundquist, 17443' Highway 10 — stated he is the owner of Rivem'ew Sports and has <br />another party interested in, purchasing a part of his property but because of the proposed <br />moratorium would be backing out. He asked if the moratorium could be shortened to sLx <br />months. <br />Mary Monte, 1752.5 Polk Street — asked if studies were done of the area. when sewer and <br />water went m seven years ago. <br />/Iayor Kia ing stated no land use studies were done in that area. She stated the reason sewer <br />and water was placed in this area gas Tae to the e-pansion of 175th.venue and the <br />residential developments that were being plamed. She stated the reason ,dor a study at this <br />time was due to the Northstaz Condor construction and the impact that increased traffic <br />may ,have on the area. <br />Counselor Beck stated this area hasn't been studied spec€fically but the city completed a <br />comprehensive plan and part of that plan was to review individual areas in the plan. This type <br />of study has been done in other areas of the city as a planning tool and is not unique to this <br />specific locad,on.. <br />ouncil e ber Motin stated it was too far out to considez the use of the land at the time <br />serer and water went into tl-is area. He stated he -would like to avoid a piecemeal approach to <br />the area. <br />Ijaz Osman, 10616 —175th Avenue — he stated he has an interims, use permit and wonders i <br />the moratorium would affect his permit. He boards dogs on his property and is currend.y <br />looking at changing the binding that the dogs are housed in to a lamer location on the <br />property. He asked if he could receive a variance. <br />Mr. Barnhart stated die moratorium would I'm act r. srnan's inter n use permit re ring <br />an amendment to the permit. He could apply for a variance but the challenge with 1\/Ir. <br />s a:n's property is that the inter use permit expires at the g of the mal plat, which is <br />somewhat unique and somewhat protected until the Wig. He stated the city NviU work With <br />him dependent upon the scope of his changes. <br />Counselor Beck . stated he shouldn't meed to seek a Waiver if the proposed changes to his <br />property were consistent N -Ith the eXIsdng tem use permit. <br />Ruth Brown, 17773 Tyler Street — asked to have the FAST study area clarified. <br />Mr. Barnhart explained the study area and the moratorium area. <br />ounci,lmernber Zerwas stated in the last vvo gears they've had a �v-ide range of requests for <br />deiveloping this area of land, and they considered each one at a time without at the <br />entire area to be able to determine how one project may affect another. The purpose of this <br />study is to take the entire area into account when determining the property's future. <br />Bret Brown., B&E Recycling Station, 16501 FEgh ray 10 - asked if this study would affect his <br />to rate as his building is older. <br />
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