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City Council Minutes <br />December 1# 2008 <br />---------------------------- <br />age <br />3.9. APPROVE C ]NTINU I mo' FOR CLEAN-UP PROGRAMS FOR <br />2009 + <br />MOTION CARRIED 5-0. <br />3.10. COMMERCLkL DRIEVEWS LICENSE RANDOM DRUG AND ALCOHOL <br />TESTING <br />Councilrnembe,r Gu phrey asked If staff went out for bids on this In order to find a company <br />that wM provide this locaUy and compare p c*ng. <br />Ms. Johnson stated the League of M=esota Cities had transferred this consortium <br />sponsored product to the TvEnnesota Counties Insurance Trust. The MCI ' is no longer <br />coordinating ffie service so the City is contracting directly tough the provider. The <br />company, aldiough based out of state, allowed the sen -ice itself to be done locally at Fairview <br />Ctrric. She stated when this contract is up staff will consider going out for bias <br />MOVED BY COUNCI M MB R GUMPHREY AND SECONDED BY <br />COUNCILMEMBER FARE . . TO APPROVE THE COMMERCIAL DRYER'S <br />LICENSE RANDOM DRUG AND ALCOHOL ESTIN AGREEMENT. <br />MOTION CARRIED 5-0. <br />. pen TvU-e <br />David Raymond representing tfie Elly River -Axea its Affiance presented a letter to the <br />Council from the Arts Alliance, thanking the City for their past support and the opportunity <br />this sprang to open the Main Street GaUe.ry. The Arts Alliance is requestmg a contribution of <br />1,0 from the city Mn 2009 to help"'With the upcoming summer Art Soup even t. He stated <br />. amount would be necessary in order to continue keep g d-iis event free. <br />Mayor Kinzing stated the courier - -M tale thisrequest into consideration and make a <br />decision about their request later this month. <br />Diane Mar o e , 10089 — 179thLane, asked how and F iat is going to be done in 20 10 <br />regarding property values. She expressed concerns with the value of her town.home. She <br />stated It's sad to see in all goverment endues that they cannot budget %rviffiin their means. <br />She asked who sets the tax rate. <br />Councilmember T iotin spoke to the County assessor last week, who stated he is expecting to <br />reduce valuations on residential property for 2010. <br />Mayor lazing stated that each jurisdiction sets their tax rate. The valuation of properties is <br />done by the County Assessor"s office. <br />Ralph Ma ni '300,'340, and 380 — 13,dAvenue, Mann Apartments, stated he has lost <br />money since purchasing the apartment buildings three years ago because the taxes continue to <br />rise, but valuations aren'ft. He made comparisons to Anoka a County and the ainount of rent he <br />is able to charge and the mount of taxes on properties them. <br />Mayor Klinzing suggested he attend the Board of Equalization hearing in April at the County. <br />