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fir Council Minutes 'age 11 <br />December 1, 2008 <br />6-2. Summary of Temporary- Commercial Real Estate Sims and Authorization to Review <br />Possible Amendments to the SiZg..Ordinance <br />Ir. Bamhart presented the staff report. Discussion followed. The cc u d concurred that ' <br />signs are too large, and suggested staff make changes to the current sign ordinance. <br />Co ncilrne al er Motin asked about sus on traders. <br />Counselor Beck stated there are a few Mies that have addressed x es abort signs on trailers. <br />He x -M review those cities and return to staff and the cou.r d with some language addressing <br />these types o signs. <br />6.3. Discuss..CouncWork-session .agendas <br />orrzcilme-nber Gu phrey requested an additional council meeting so Councilmember <br />Farber could be a part of FIs. Johnson -s performance review. <br />Ms. Johnson suggested moving her review to December 8. Iteras decided to move the <br />review from January as well as add d -ie topic `" .redic Card Tose for Payment of Certain <br />Sen ces" to December ,ber 8 worlcsession. <br />7. Other. Business <br />"here was no other business. <br />. Council Uvdates <br />Where were no council updates. <br />. Staff dates <br />Ms. Johnson asked how the council felt about a City staff memo attending the IACD <br />meetings. She stated the Northsta.r Corridor suggested it. <br />ounc�lrnember Motin, who attends the meetings, didn't feel the in ormation discussed at <br />the no tl-Ay meetings would be valuable. <br />At this t ne, council Felt there Nvasn7t a need for staff to attend the monthly NCDA meetings. <br />. Adjoumment <br />There being no filrer business, Mayor Klinzing adjourned the meeting of the River City <br />Council at 9:50 p.m. <br />Nfinutes prepared by Jennifer Johnson.. <br />Tina .ward <br />City Clea <br />