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i~t Counc~ 1~.~,n,utes <br />~~cem~e~ ~~, ?008 <br />Wage 3 <br />Mayor I~~~,g opened the public hem,, There being z~a one ~ speak to this issue, ~V~ayo~ <br />~~~g closed e public <br />.~l~~r~~vT~ ~a~ ~.~. ~~ ~~~~~~ oT~~ c~~ 4WD. <br />~o~~ ~~ ~otc~z~~~~l~l~ n~ax~~v .~~ ~~~~ ~ <br />~.?. onsidcr ~D~B ~~d et ~.rner~drnents <br />~~r. iruvn presented the sta~'repr~rt. <br />~t ~~as noted des may need to be revisited dependg ors possible Kcal ~vearnrnent .d <br />cuts the State may aloe ~~~itl the r~e~t Fe~~ ~veeks. <br />UC~~~ ~~ "~~ .'~~~ T SOS 8~~T <br />.~~~ 4~0, <br />7.~, ~do~t ?~~~-~~3 Capital ~ roven~ent plan <br />fib:. Sion presented e staff' repa~•t and noted the plan is a revolving tool drat may hay e to <br />be rnr~~.~ed accas~onal~'~r. <br /> <br />~.~. ~'zoclarna,ans ~ I~athv Anderson Iav I~ece~~er a~. ~~~~ and ~t Tuttle Iav anua.~ ?. <br />?DDS <br />pls. ohnson, thanked ~a~h~= and ~tilz far their rnany years o~ ser~-ice to the cit~t <br />~~a~~~r I~lin~i,g read floe pxoclarnati,ons fox ~thy and ~~I~t. <br />hied ~eaher~ d~anl~ed Kathy for her service with the police ~epartrr~e~t and noted she <br />wv~uld be grea~.y r.ssed~ <br />~~r. Ials thanked ~~~t four his se~~iee to the Street division and outlix~cd see of ~ <br />acco~nplihent d~oughout die years. <br />flavor ~~ining thanked ~thy and ~~~t for their many years of service a,nd co,n~.ented ~t <br />would take the city tie to adjust af~ex losing t~~o valuable l~~,g~terrn e~n,ployees to <br />retirernent. <br />