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Rivers Edge Meeting Minutes November 12, 2008 <br />Meeting was called to order at 8AM and was held in the Bluffs Community Room. <br />Treasurer's report: Jim reported that there is $2604.23 in our treasury. <br />Secretary's Report: Was approved. <br />Old Business: <br />City Update: The intersection at Jackson Ave and Main Street will be fixed where the paver bricks <br />have sunk lower than the cement. The intersection will remain partially open as they make the <br />repairs. <br />The new lighting on highway 10 Downtown has been completed. The Lights have banner arms. The <br />city is looking at how the banner arms should be used. There are approximately 24 spots for banners <br />between the Chamber of Commerce office and Proctor Ave. The arms and poles will support 2X4 <br />banners. Some options are that businesses could sponsor banners, banners could be used for special <br />events. <br />MnDot meeting is scheduled for 11/19/2008. Both plans (expressway and freeway) are still being <br />discussed. This is an opportunity for businesses to talk with MnDot and ask specific questions about <br />how this change will affect their business location. The actual funding for the project will not <br />become available for many years. <br />Christmas Downtown: Saturday, December 13th. Park and Rec is supplying Santa Claus from 12 to <br />3PM in Rivers Edge Commons Park. Hemker Animal Park has agreed to bring Reindeer and other <br />baby animals for $650 during the same time frame. Park and Rec will be handing out gift bags to the <br />children. Stephanie will look into getting bigger ones so that Downtown businesses can put in treats <br />or coupons or information about their business. If you want to put something in the bag you need <br />400 pieces. Carolers will be singing inside unless it is warm out. Park and Rec will bring a sound <br />system to the Park while Santa is there. Hay bales will be set up around the top part of the park to sit <br />on and block the wind. Tony Mikols offered a larger sleigh that Santa and the Kids could sit in. <br />Stephanie will see if it will work. Lots of fun things happening at businesses. Wendy will provide <br />Park and Rec with a flyer listing what each business is doing special on the 13th. Annie is helping us <br />with Flyers and Brochures to help advertise the event ahead of time. <br />First National Financial Services and The Bank of Elk River have generously offered to share the <br />costs of the insert that will be in the Star News on Wednesday the 10th and the cost of the Reindeer <br />from Hemker Farms which will be with Santa. Many Thanks to Park and Rec and the Banks t t t ! <br />Historic Downtown Elk River Sign: We need to check with the City before we proceed further with <br />this project. We need to know if the sign will need to be moved if we replace it or if can stay where <br />it is. We need to know if we just repaint it if it can stay where it is. Wendy will contact Chris <br />Leesburg for guidance and report at the next meeting. <br />Tree Decorating: Thank you to everybody who helped put lights on the boulevard trees downtown. <br />The trees look great! <br />The Meeting was adjourned at 9AM <br />