N,zmber ]4
<br />
<br />A~fil19,1996
<br />
<br />New law links performance to city aid
<br />
<br /> Gar7 Carlson
<br /> In the beginning, the Legislature
<br /> created LGA and HACA. And they saw
<br /> that they were good. Starting in 1997,
<br /> cities and counties will also have LPA.
<br /> The 1996 version of the omnibus
<br />tax bill includes a provision referred to
<br />by its author as Local Performance Aid.
<br />Championed by Representative Andy
<br />Dawkins of St. Paul, LPA is an attempt
<br />to associate general purpose homestead
<br />and agricultural credit aid with perfor-
<br />mance outcomes. According to
<br />Representative Dawkins, local perfor-
<br />mance aid is intended to assure that
<br />state revenue sharing with cities and
<br />counties will be based on a defensible
<br />formula and therefore, be continue into
<br />
<br /> How do you qualify for LPA?
<br /> In the first year, each city and
<br />county will be eligible to receive
<br />performance aid if they have either
<br />implemented performance measure-
<br />ment systems for the services they
<br />provide or are in the process of creating
<br />or implementing performance measure-
<br />ment systems.
<br />
<br /> What are performance
<br /> measurements?
<br /> According to Representative
<br /> Dawkins, performance measurement
<br /> include simple measures of workloads
<br /> for the services provided by the
<br /> governmental unit. Workloads can
<br /> include number of employee hours
<br /> worked on certain projects, tons of
<br /> garbage hauled, number of police calls,
<br /> or any other measures of workloads
<br /> that my be compiled by the city.
<br /> According to Representative
<br />Dawkins, the collection of workload
<br />data by each local unit of government
<br />is the first step toward ultimately
<br />generating measures of service
<br />efficiency and effectiveness. He wants
<br />each city and county to be able to
<br />evaluate the services they are providing
<br />and be able to determine if the service
<br />is achieving its goals or is being
<br />provided at an effective level.
<br /> Representative Dawkins intends
<br />for each city and county to be eligible
<br />to receive performance aid in the first
<br />year. The Department of Revenue will
<br />mail out an application form for local
<br />performance aid on or around May 15
<br />of each year. The form will require
<br />
<br />Page 3 -- Deadline extended
<br />
<br />The application deadline for the
<br />C.C. Ludwig Awar~, Leadership
<br />Award and City Achievement
<br />Awards has been extended to
<br />May 8.
<br />
<br />Page L1 -- Law summaries
<br />
<br />Summaries of the new laws
<br />passed during the 1996 legislative
<br />session begin on page L1.
<br />
<br />each city to certify that they qualify for
<br />local performance aid. The application
<br />must be signed by the mayor and one
<br />member of the city council. Local
<br />performance aid will be distributed to
<br />each city with the local government aid
<br />and homestead and agricultural credit
<br />aid payments in July and December of
<br />each year. Local performance aid will
<br />
<br /> See LPA, page 6
<br />
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