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~~t~ CQUn~€~ ~~u~~s <br />Nave~be~ ~7, 200 <br />~~ge S <br />~errzar~ ~'~nre~ery <br />~~s. ~ohn~an t~t~d tie e~'netery is ~vor~ng on the ~rob~en~s ~vitl~ tie tipp~~i over head <br />stores. the ~'urt~er noted hey ~ve~e h~v~n end issues. <br />.,. ~"r~vel.e~~r~.~~ <br />~Vs~ ohnson stand th~~e is no out-off state gavel a~,o~ved in the X009 budget and rqu~sted <br />that travel be a~lo~ved for ~~ ecoro~ dvIoprnent assistant order for ~~ to obta~ her <br />certification at a tr~€nin roa. Thy oun~~ approved o~ tl~e t~a~~l £oar this xoram. <br />Fars ' .~r-~atzarr 'or~~rr~i,~.~iar~ ~~~~rGC~~t~{ <br />1~~s. ~l.lard stated Charles chuldt resigned fro ~~ comrn.ission and noted them are <br />cuxrend~r ~~o vacancies. Sk~~ stated intervie4vs would be set up for the ~'ebruar~r ~rorl~sess~on <br />tvh~n Council appoints for the annual term expirations. <br />~. .diournrncnt <br />~~~ <br />~"h~re being no further business, ~~~~or ~1in~ing adjourned the xnee of tl~e 1~. fiver <br />i~r Council at $:D~ p.. <br />_~~~ <br />Tina ~.ard <br />City Clerlc <br />