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City Cou.~c~ ~~aut~s <br />~av~~~~r ~ 7, a08 <br />4. Open ~~ike <br />gage ~ <br />Donny c~~r~e~~e~, ??? ~~r Street ~ Stated ~~~ ~vould like to add to the petitian that was <br />suhna,itted at e fast meeting regarding ~uali~r o ~~~ concerns in hex.neihba~hood. She had <br />cancern with quality and personal health due to the energy burn~n~ froze, the nearby <br />plants. <br />~iayox I~1inin stated staff would look into the coneexns. <br />4. ~.. ~,~' ~ ~ load„wand, ~na~~m;~t ~~vaxd <br />~Is..~lbin stated representatives were in attendance tonight to present azz award to the city <br />£or aside City 'arl~. <br />Dan ur~os c Dhn~da with ~~~rrnesota Off ~t~ad Cyc~i~t~ 4C} presented e <br />cif,. ~~ith a Land ~Ianager• of the dear award fox ~il~ide Paxi~, fir, ~3urra thanked t%e Ci~= <br />fox llo~~r~ tl~e use aF the park for rnaur~tain bike trays a.nd co~.rnended t~~e City for its <br />outstanding suppo.rr and callaborat~on. <br />~ video vas sho~vzz high~hting ~i~side l'axk. <br />l~tayar ~~inzing accepted the award thanked SIC, and stated that this is a good use of <br />the perk. <br />=~.~. County r~tto~rnev ~~eanev p,resentatio~ <br />Chief' peahen st~.ted a rant was received ~'.rar~a the ~~'~ce of Tra~'~c a~'ety Safe & Sober <br />Division f'or high ~~sibility enf~orceznent in Sherburne Count~~, ~~Vith this grant r~ffzcers w be <br />put on day night and tl~rough the weekend with high visibility vests to let drivers la~~• to <br />be safe and sober be£are they go aut to drink and drive. ~l~ey hope this Type of~enforce~ent <br />~vi~ make peapf e think ~baut their deeisians ahead of ti.rne and pf an to rnal~e alternate <br />rxar~gez~erzts far getting home 4~hen drinf~~. <br />ath~een Heaney, Sherburne Coun~r ~ttc~rn,ey's office - 'resented a check to Chief <br />$eahen fox I,O~U for the purchase a~ high visibility ~`ets for this pxograrn, She Hated the <br />Chief should be car~e~.ded £ar tke tune ar~d e~'fart he dedicates to ese types c~~projects. <br />~Iayor I~n,ing tl~anl~ed the county for the donation and ~uxt~~er con-zrnended the Chief` f'ox <br />his ~~ oxk. <br />~.~. Consider business Subsidy tension ~- `~irn ~if~ ~' Sauer <br />GIs. ~Ieheiich pxesented the sta#'f report. <br />~i~ Sauer stated their facility eras setup as a dupie~ and tl~e~r were hoping to rent out to <br />anpCer hus~r~ess that ~~auld pxo~ide tl~e addit~on,al jobs needed to ~'ul~~l the ~'ax !'~bater~ent <br />arzd business Subsidy agreement requirezxzents. She stated a prospecti~re tenant backed out <br />~xorn leasing the space and it will be difficult to lease ro arzather business due to the <br />ecozzo,y, She stated they changed they business planzzir~g and axe gains to ~,~ the ~rhole <br />f'aciiit~r ~vlth then: own company. <br />