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conti~~trt: tc3 fi<~I~it fir tlae i:onsutner's re- <br /> <br /> INVENTORY NET VACANCY RATE VACANCY <br /> SECTOR SF <br />( ) ABSORPTION <br />(SF) <br />Q2/08 <br />Q3I08 CHANGE <br />As :; .salt of tl:,est: clc+~ings, ~andlc~ras ~t~.ot <br />~n tits hri~z~r> d~luxc h~catic,n~) with scant: Anoka 8,414,054 (63,619) 5.0% 5.8% 0.8% <br />si~s~cr's are niakin~r deals. ~1any just do not Dakota 8,567,847 (57,515) 4.5% 5.2% 0.7% <br />know= when the next prospect: is going tp Minneapolis 3,860,741 7,613 7.0% 6.8% -0.2% <br />cone along and warts to improve their cen- Northeast 7,373,080 55,931 6.8% 6.1% -0.7% <br />r:+°r', ~wsitiun in ti~ec market. Developers ate Northwest 9,815,024 76,926 7.1% 6.4% -0.7% <br />x,sti .mfn~ ~~ ~oie~ts or will. ~~ttly start with <br />~ Scott County 2,088,975 (13,010) 8.1% 8.7% 0.6% <br />1 here i~ very <br />.u<:,st +. the spice pre-1c~ased. <br />St. Paul <br />2,760,901 <br />(4,788) <br />5.8% <br />6.0% <br />0.2% <br />ill Clt' nPw de. M1~'el0 prnent 0711 the hortLon. <br /> Southwest 12,216,285 17,038 5.0% 4.9% -0.1% <br />13tu_ ~,~+t:i(( the nc~vs ~s had. I)~.spite the. list Washington County 4,785,609 (23,551) 4.4% 4.9% 0.5% <br />cat rci Icrs and restaurants ~~ahn±; bt~kc;r West 7,421,813 829 3.1% 3.1% 0.0% <br />,~-;siu, .rore~, rl~tere ate still several t~aovin.g Twin Cities Metro 67,304,329 -4,146 5.5% 5.5% 0.0% <br />forY~~ard. b3ufi<alo '`X/ild Wirlgs and Noodles <br />both continue to expand. their operations <br />locally. Sonic, Honternade Pizza, Dive Gays <br />l~urters marl Fries, and Cici's Pizza :.tre <br />looking at opening up restaurants in the <br />nte.txo. P.d<a ro that tlt.e growing interest in <br />di,~cottnt autosnotice stores like C)'Riley's <br />_ <br />an:a i~tttoZone, there are still duals to Ic ,~ <br />_ <br />ntaatr. <br />~(~ale: West metro shopping centers faired <br />betrt°r titan counterpart; in tl~te Fast, (vitl~l ~~~ _ _ <br />;.,:~ <br />rite We>t, 5outliwest, and Narthwest all teg- <br />istering positive absorption #or the quarter. <br />tc7ti~~t.rsely, tale Nortltt:ast setaor w•as the _ <br />cnly~ otte in the l=ast: hdccro that had posi- .. _ <br />rive absorption. X20 <br />tiXfl-ten ltwkin+v at t:he absorption bq ce.nter ~ _ <br />type., Regional Centers lad the way with <br />16,6>6 SF fnr tau: grtarrer and is t_he only c <br />aIG <br />type ~~itl. po>itive absorl±tion year-to-date _ <br />with ~S,?34 Sl~. Convenience C;cuters 2005 200b 2A07 2008 <br />had i17-or,eto^ oY ~,Si3 :+1' <br />.~.. Reg,ona) Community , Neighborhood s~ ;r~. ~-'- ~ ~'+~ <br />to and is a nttrat:rvc a.t~3(~ ~ for rice rlu'<tr- _ -. <br />_ F on the year. <br />Ne.i~>,i,borhood Centers were hit the hardc<t <br />in tltit<:l ~iuart:er ~=ith negative al.~sorption cif <br />58,t~r,4 Si=, bt t igin tli~ }ear-to-date .lbsorl,- <br />tirnt to a negative. 49,239 SF. <br />rlvert~e <E;kin;r rcttts for retail 1}roperties <br />couttntted to decline in the. third iluarter. <br />PROPERTY NAME <br />CITY, STATE <br />$/SF YEAR BUILT <br />Overall aVf.'I tie ztskin~~ 1'eT1t for the n18.dcet Park Common Minneapolis, MN $204 1993 <br />was `til7.t~b hl", dc~~+'n 6t'/v for tl~e quartccr. 13625 N. Dale Blvd. Rogers, MN $181 <br />lnere'asittgly, landlords aCe ;.xl~`l1.{; 1nCC ntlves 4854 Edgewater Dr. Mound, MN $167 1950 <br />to sei:rtre a te.natlt, SllCla as free rf'11T an<I Deepheven Court Wayzata, MN $133 1979 <br />ttx,re tenant: iml~noaeuaent allowance,. <br />