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5. EDSR 11-10-2008
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5. EDSR 11-10-2008
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11/24/2008 3:53:18 PM
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11/24/2008 3:27:06 PM
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MEETING OF THE EDA FINANCE COMMITTEE <br />HELD AT THE ELK RIVER CITY HALL <br />MONDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 2008 <br />Members Present: Cliff Lundberg, Paul Motin, Tom McNair, Larry Toth, Dave Rymanowski, Dan <br />Tveite and Chris Carlson <br />Members Absent: None <br />Staff Present: Director of Economic Development Catherine Mehelich, Economic Development <br />Assistant Annie Deckert <br />Accept EDA Finance Committee Minutes <br />Motion by Motin, second by Toth to accept the August C>, 2008,_EDA Fuiance Committee Minutes <br />as presented. The motion carried 7-0. <br />2. Consider Micro Loan Extension Reduest: Lake Assault Custom Boats LLC <br />Ms. Mehelich summarized the Micro Loan extension request from Lake Assault Custom Boats. As <br />application described in the staff report. Mr. Jerry Atherton, President of Lake Assault Custom <br />Boats, distributed a presentation and provided an update on the status and future plans for the <br />business. Mr. Atherton indicated that the business was originally established in 2003 for custom <br />fishing boats. Since 2004 he has been focusing his efforts on commercial fire boats and patrol <br />boats. This has allowed him a narrowed market niche where he has been able to compete well. <br />Recent sales include Chicago Fire Dept, I=Iennepiii Counn-, and St. Louis County among many <br />others. He indicated that while he is able to ccnnpete well in this market, he is finding that it is <br />much more capital intensive than the fishing boats. His goal is to be at $4-million in sales, stay and <br />grow in Elk River. He currently has 5 boats on order. Mr. Atherton was excused from the <br />meeting following this discussion. <br />Discussion by the committee included a request for confirmation whether the collateral is <br />subordinate to the bank letter of credit, and confirmation of a personal guarantee and recent <br />personal financial statements. It was the consensus of the committee that the extension request is <br />reasonable given the micro loan policy change on the maximum loan term since Lake Assault's <br />original application (from 3-year to 5-year balloon). The committee discussed the concept of <br />establishing a local business advisory group from various backgrounds that could provide <br />suggestions and advice to micro loan applicants, particularly new and small businesses. The group <br />could be facilitated by Enterprise Minnesota (formerly MN Technology) and it could be among a <br />list of various resources, including MN Workforce Center and SCORE, that the city could refer <br />businesses. Chris Carlson offered to assist in organizing the advisory group with the help of <br />Enterprise Minnesota and indicated willingness to serve on it. <br />MOVED BY MCNAIR AND SECONDED BY TVEITE, THE FINANCE <br />COMMITTEE RECOMMENDS THAT THE EDA CONSIDER APPROVING A 2- <br />YEAR EXTENSION ON THE LAKE ASSAULT CUSTOM BOATS LOAN AT A 6.5% <br />MARKET RATE INTEREST AND FIXED MONTHLY PAYMENTS OF $606.64 SET <br />UP ON AUTOMATIC WITHDRAWALS. THE MOTION CARRIED 7-0. <br />Cl-°s~ng <br />The EDA Finance Committee meeting ended at 8:00 a.m. <br />
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