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1~~ ~unC~l ~'11~~5 ~~ ~ <br />~G~O~]~I ~?, ?Q~ <br />~.~. ~r~~~r~ie~v finer v belated Bu~in~ss Reor~s~ntat~ve to ~~~ z~~r Cis ~orn.ission <br />~`~~~ ~aunci~ in~e~i~~ved truce ~ya~r of ~~ ~a~ consideration as ~~ ~n~ry <br />re~a~ed bu~nes .~e~resen~ativ~ to the Vinery ~i Con~nission. <br />~~T~T~ T~ T~ N~~ CST CC]~I~TT~~ ~TT~T ~ TROT <br />~.?. ~.utlao~-i~a~on ~o Corn ~e~e onc~ete ~'~oor ~n Taub~ic ~ori~s tora~e ~3ui~din~ <br />~~r, ~'~~turer presenCed ~~e st~~ report. ~~ reviewed the roux ~uot~s r~c~~~•ed ~oz <br />o~ tl~e concrete door ~n ~.~~ ~uhlic ~~or~.s storage ~u~din~. <br /> <br />~`NCTLNI~NIBR ~~R~~A 'TC~ AC~T~~~ TIC ~T'~IT~JR~ ~~ <br />~tl~~~. i4iC~TI~ A.RI~D ~-~. <br />~,3. Discuss nce~~rise ~€~nd ~ud~ets <br />arha e <br />+~4~~s, ~a~~ e~~l~i~ed the aran.ics ~~at prorarn currently tal~in.~ p~~ce ~ the "rr~tt Brao~: <br />de~~lop~~nent. h~ noted that Sherburne bounty ~~~~ ~:~tended the grant to con~nu~ ~l~is <br />~rograrn. <br />~~~s. Haug Indicated 1~~ ~~p1€c~rior~s ha~~ ~~en r~cived ~'or Project onser-~~e and sta~'~ is in <br />~ process o~re~~ie~v~g ap~~cadons to select ~~r~ici~ants, ~~~. Tau stated ~h~ i~~~~C~~~ <br />rneeung for Proj~c~ onser~e ~~~ ~~ C~ctob~z ?. <br />~la~~or 1~~g questa.on~d ~~ ~n~l~ca~.ons i Sherl~urn~ Cou~a; and ~.~ do not con~nu~ <br />d~~~: ar~e~~ent for ze~use to ~~ hauled ro tl~e I~ site, ~~Is. ~u,g ~ ~~lain~d that ~.~~ ~i~; o~ <br />~~ T~i~~er his an ~reemen~ with ITT that they must con~.nue ro accept r~~us~ ~rorn the i~' <br />o~ll~ ~,i~er but the ~'~~ ~~ou~d ha~~e to b~ renegotiated if the Co~an~ and ,~.~ do not reach <br />an are~rncnt. <br />~~Is. Johnson stated ~~ere E~ould ~ no rate increase customer rates. <br />~~Ia.s te~~a ter ~r~a~n t Svs t~ <br />1~~h~. ~'laurer reviewed the goals for tl~e ~~i~~,'~ budget, ~~l~ich includes appoin~n ~ lead <br />operator ar~d hiring a ~~~~ operator. <br />GIs, Johnson indicated tl~at the major changes .~ the ?~~9 l~udg~t include a t~~.rd purnp to <br />Evans ,.i~t Staon and a u~€.; rats crease o~ 3°la and ~ connection rate increase o~ ~~io. <br />i41~.1~laurcr sta~cd sta~'~' con~inues to ~vorl~ with great ,vcr n~rgy on hx~ possibi~i~+ o~ <br />par~~r to use the sever treat~xient o~erati~n ro parr~cipate ~n generating electrici~{. <br />