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Be Ready for Winter... <br />Energy Prices are on the Rise <br />Start saving now by following these top 10 ways to reduce your energy use... <br />1. Replace incandescents with compact flourescent lightbulbs. <br />2. Unplug appliances and electronics when not in use. <br />3. Take 5 minute showers. <br />4. Wash all clothing in cold water. <br />5. Turn your thermostat down 2 degrees. <br />6. Install low-flow showerheads. <br />7. Weatherstrip doors and windows to seal air leaks. <br />8. Seal wall outlets and switches on outer walls. <br />9. Insulate hot water heater and pipes. <br />10. Seal attic bypasses. <br />Expected yearly savings of $400. <br />In addition, the City of Elk River offers several programs to help you <br />make your home more comfortable and energy efficient. <br />.... <br />- .... <br />ELKRIVER Minnesota <br />EN-RGYCITY H ~ <br />Center for Energy o u s ~ n <br />and Environemenf <br />The City of Elk River HRA <br />c/o Center for Energy and Environment <br />Elk 212 Third Ave N. <br />T~ _Ver Minneapolis, MN 55401 <br />7N ~O <br />urri ~''~ o,~r <br />L%,Wer ~ b1ttis <br />erierg~ <br />PRSRT STD <br />US POSTAGE <br />PAID <br />Minneapolis, MN <br />PERMIT 18304 <br />