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Ci~~ ~aunc:~11~~,r~tes <br />~~~er~~~r ~ ~, ~~~~ <br />~~~ 7 <br />.~~T~~f~NT F~~ B~~J ~' T iA.TT F T~~ ~~ ABU <br />T~~T ~~~~~`T ~F ~~5. ~T~~' C.~R~~ 5~0, <br />G.?. n in~~ri~ e~ri~es ~o~• ~. lorin ~ast~vat~r T'r~~txn~n~ ~I~ntlr~at i~~r ~n~r v <br />Pr~~t <br />~~~~, ~olxnsor~ px~s~~t~d the sta~~xepoxt, <br />~o~.ncil..~~~ex ~~~as qu~sr~oned if d~~ post to evaluate the pxo~~ct could ~~ l~ax~d ~~iti~ <br />rea,t ivex nerr, ~~~. ~ohnsan explained that e pity's pasts are to e~r~.uate rl~e city's <br />paxtio~ ~~' axe pxaject. <br />~~;.14~au~:ez• ind`€cated d~~t i~ this pro~e~t is ~easil~le tk~e Gib would no lonex ~~ave tc~ pair to <br />haul sludge away and ~~ould px~vide ~,~0 axes a~ ei~r land cu~xenti~ bin used fox nude <br />a~ra.~al~le ~~~ atl~er uses..~e noted that ~,~~ ~ene~at to the ~it~ fax exceeds the ~aene~t to great <br />SAT SAT, ~Jl~`~ ~'~'~RI~VG ~~~C~ T~ ~V.,~'AT ~. <br /> <br />~'.~~. ~onside~ 1~~asa ~ Thera ist license for envier ~irltius -~ Salina Satan ~,nd ~:~s+ a <br />lxiel: ~eal~en presented tl~e sra~~ repoxt..~e explained that ~~~ is reco~~~endin dcni~l oi' tl~~ <br />application o~~enz~i~er Fizl~u based on leer crunal bacl~~ound. <br />~1.~:. Beci~ stated that i~ the ~ounc ~allo~~s l~ie3eahen's xeca~endation, a xesolutian r~~ <br />~'~ndin; l~or dena,al sl~auld ~~ pxepaxed and cor~ide~:ed at tl~e nest ~x~eetin~. <br />~et~~i~"ex ~ixl~"u, applicant -stated she is a~~axc o her bacl~xound buC has recei~~ ed t~~~a <br />degrees since ~~n and does not `giant hex past to huxt leer i'uture. She uestic~ned i~` the <br />o~~~xcil ~vo€ald consider ranti.n hex the i~ene on a prob~.t~na; rexrn. She noted tlaa~ sl~~ <br />is plana~.n tc~ have hex xecord e~puned but cannot do so until~~nua~-~~. <br />ouncil~x~ebex 1~Iotin indicated fat he belie~~es in second claances and ~vitlaout io~~in <br />tine det:~ils o~ tl~e applica~nt~s b~cl~xound lac has a lla~'d tic denying, <br />l~ie~ ealaen e~:p~ained that ~s. 'irltius has multiple azres~s for prosti.t~don as ~~~~ as n~o <br />prastitution con~-ic~ions; ane c~~'~~l~ich 5vas a shprC tie ao~ ~~e stated 1~~s. ~:~us also i~as ~~ <br />dan~exaus ~~~eapan con~•xction during ~,~h.icl~ die policy executed a sea,~ch ~varxaz~t ~a~ her <br />ho.e ar~d a loaded l~~.ndun ~v~s Found in a dra4ve.~ ~vi~le a sn~al. clad ~~•as pzeset~c. Cl~iei: <br />eai~en noted thexe aye o~~e~ issues he cannot disclose because the5r hay{~ not ~+et zest~lted ~~~ <br />cai~~~ictions. ~1~,~~3eaher~ stated that as o~uly ~ o~ this yeax there a~:e still police xeport~ <br />bei~~ enexated far Ids. ~l~us than have not yet been resoled. ~e Hated ghat i~ex last <br />prasd~~~io~~ con~ict~.c~n ryas ?~~C~ fox ~~~hich her pxabation ended at tl~e beinnin a~ <br />~~~uust ?~~, <br />~~a~rar l~inin ciuestianed i~' ~4~s, ix~-u ~vod lie alla~ved to xe~ppl~, it she is able to l~a~~e <br />hex xecard e~puned. i~ie~ B~a.l~~aa e~pla~ned zf girls. ~' is able to e~pune her . <br />