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~i~~ Ca~u~~~ ~~.nute <br />ep~~r~x~~~ ~~, ?aa~ <br /> <br />~x~ ? <br />~.on Touchy, ~?~Oa ~ada4vvaie ~aad, I~ hoard rneb~r ~ ~~ress~cl a~~re~ia~on <br />for ~~~~ i ounc~l' ~~ozi~ an ~~e~~ to hrin~ ti~~ ~`~~.~ to ~ .i~~~:. stated t~~ ~~~ <br />is c~~rrentl~r ap~n for ci~a~t~r ernbexs and ~vill ap~~ ~o~: t~~e ~u~~ an ~cto~er ~ ~. <br />nary ~,~~m.e~~r ~ in~rad~~ed herself' as ~~ndidate far ~-Ious~ ~i~trict ~G~. <br />~,~. ~onsid~r in ~rai~ct ~anserve <br />1~~~s, tau ~r~s~n~~d tl~e sta~~xeport. <br />oux~ci~.ern~~r gratin questioned i~ dais ~~a~ld ~e ~ arse-~~.~ e~pencliture. ~rls. ~au~ sta~~d <br />tl~ar tl~~~e ~y be additianai pats ~ t~a~ iture if tiz~ ~ro~~,~x~ is ~~c~ess~`~~1 and is zoli~cl put <br />,~ar~ tine ~~~~:~ ~i~y to ~~x.~i~ate. <br />~{~~~~IL,~~ F~.RBER T~ ~~~ ~,~~ CDR ~A~VC ~~.~G.' <br />T~1V~ A ,~4~ ~ '.~~~ T~.~ ~~~~, ETC. ~~~~ <br />T~ ~~~DS ~~ ~TYB~~T ~'~~. .OJT DN~~. ~~~T~~ <br />W~~i~./~ ~~• <br />~.?. .~ ~~esC b~+ aner ~daz~s ~~r e~anin~ ~~orn ~.~ c li~~ le ~' ~.esi~endal~ to <br />~a~~~~er~ial P~.e~onir~ Ito ~~ dererined: ~ ar `~~. Case ~o, ~~-~?~~ - ~'rrblr'c "e~r~r~~- <br />f <br />~er~~~~. ~arni~art presented tine sta~~x~pax~, <br />~iayar In~i~~ c~pene~ ~l~e public i~e-in. <br />~~~i~ ~o~~~is, UG Loo~.aut l'la~e - st~te~ tl~ere ~s e~.ou~~ ~an~.x~~~c~~i ~n ~l~e ~~~~~n~~~n~~. <br />~3nd does~~'t ~eli~~-e ti~i project ~~ould ~a~r~~~~.t t~~e ca~~~r~u~~it~, ~~aso e~~z~s.~~d ~oz~c~rn ~~~it~~ <br />parl~r~~ ~~~~ ~~~~fc in tl~~ a~:~a. <br />~i~Le a~~a~lxer, ~~? ~~~~ Street ~- quesdaned ~vi~~.t ~~ould l~~ppen to p~:aperty tees in ~.~~ <br />~re~ i~ tl~e re~an~ is appra~ ed~ ~la~Ta~ lain indic~€t~c~ that co~~~~e~~ial is ~~ al~zed hiI~er <br />t1~an resic~~~tial but tl~e ~~.u~ an.e~l~barir~ homes ~~auid ~~~~~ir~ uncl~an~~:d ,for ray <br />i~~~~poses ~~ Ions as tlz~y are ~i~i~g used l'ar reid~~~ti~.l. ~~e also stat~cl ca~~cezr~s ~ba~~t <br />parl;~~~ and txa~~. <br />~~atl~y .e~a~e~dt, 9 a~ ~a~~~aut ~i~~~~ -- sated sloe does not l~a~ ~ a p~;able~~~ ~~itl~ tl~e <br />~ral~c~sed use a~ tlz~ prap~r~~ but ra~l~er ~vit~~ ~~~~ pote~~~.~I re~anin~. Saxe ~~lso ~~ai~~d <br />~o~~cerns ove,~ pax~n~ <br />f ~n~t ~.d~~s, applicant -~ e~piai.n~al tla~t adequate par~~.n is a~a,izabi~ ~o~~~ cl~ere ~~ould ~~ <br />na ar~~s~~et par'i, ~~~ noted drat ~a altcra~ions gaud ~~ ode to tl~e e~texiar of ti~~ <br />l~o~~. ~~ls, ~~da~~s e~pla~d that the ~+ezonin~ is x~at necesa~r as long as tl~e ~~~~ loo~~s into <br />al~c~~~ir~~ leer a ~rariance tl~at ~~ouid alla~v t~~is fpe o bus.~ess in tl~at a~:e~. <br />1~~~~e~ ~,~a~t~r~, ~~~ ~Za,in treat ~- si~axes a clri~r~~~~ay ~~itl~ ~-~~ property. ~~ s tatecl axe ~~~s <br />spa~e~. ~vitl~ tl~e appiZCant az~cl rernaiz~s uncanvin~ed ~~~~~ tl~exe is ample parn~, :~~. <br />