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proceedings, along with the charges and written findings, shall be <br />filed with the Office of the County Administrator. <br />4.03 Any Board Member may be removed by a majority vote of the <br />Sherburne County Board of Commissioners. <br />Section 5. Conflict of lnterest. <br />S.OI Except as authorized by Minnesota Statutes Section 471.88, a <br />Board Member, officer, or employee of the Sherburne County <br />E.D.A. shall not possess or acquire any financial interest, direct or <br />indirect, in any project or in any property, included or planned to <br />be included, in any project; nor shall the person have any financial <br />interest, direct or indirect, in any -contract or proposed contract for <br />materials or services to be furnished or used in connection with <br />any project. <br />5.02 Any Board Member, officer, or employee who has or may have an <br />actual or perceived conflict of interest in any project or contract for <br />services in support of any project shall immediately report the <br />conflict of interest to the full E.D.A. Board. Failure to disclose any <br />conflict of interest shall constitute misconduct. <br />5.03 Any Board Member with a conflict of interest in any project, or in <br />any contract for services in support of any project, is required to <br />abstain from voting on all actions of the E.D.A. in connection with <br />the project. <br />Section 6. Financial Reports. <br />b.01 The E.D.A. Board shall prepare and approve monthly financial <br />reports, which shall include all income, expenditures, and claims of <br />the Authority. <br />6.02 The E.D.A. must submit an annual financial statement to the <br />Sherburne County Board of Commissioners, due on or before the <br />l S' day of the month of June of each and every year. <br />6.03 The financial reports and statements of the E.D.A. must be <br />prepared, audited, filed, and published or posted, in the manner <br />required for the financial statements of all other County <br />departments. <br />6.04 The financial reports and statements of the E.D.A. are subject to <br />audit by the Sherburne County Auditor and / or the Minnesota <br />State Auditor. <br />06/2/8 Sherb~erne County E.D.A. Ennbling Resohu~o^ Pnge S oj7 <br />