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regulations or requirements from time to time made by the Federal agencies <br />furnishing said funds to the Authority. <br />b. Official Depository - The Authority may use the designated County financial <br />institution for all financial deposits. All monies of the Authority shall be <br />deposited in the name of the Authority in official County depositories in <br />accordance with Minnesota Statutes. Monies shall be disbursed only by check, <br />signed by persons designated by the Authority, except that petty cash funds not <br />exceeding, at any time, One Hundred Dollars ($ l00) may be maintained by the <br />Authority. <br />c. Checks - A11 checks drawn on bank accounts of the Authority shall indicate the <br />fund and, in the case of a project, the project to be charged. All checks shall be <br />signed by the Treasurer and one (l) other Officer named by the Authority by <br />resolution. <br />4.7 Records -The books and records of the Authority shall be kept at the principal office of <br />the Authority. <br />4.8 Insurance -The Authority, as a separate legal entity, shall purchase and maintain at all <br />times a liability insurance policy in an amount sufficient, under all reasonable standards, <br />to adequately insure and protect the Authority from all claims and liabilities arising from <br />the execution of its appointed. duties and responsibilities. The Policy will name the <br />Authority as the primary insured and the County of Sherburne, and its officers, agents <br />and employees, as additional insureds. Proof of liability insurance must be presented to <br />the Sherburne County Board of Commissioners as part of the Authority's annual financial <br />statement. <br />ARTICLE 5. <br />AMENDMENTS <br />5.1 Amendments -These Bylaws may be amended at any meeting of the Authority provided <br />that notice of such proposed amendments shall be given to each Board Member and each <br />County Board Commissioner prior to such meeting. Amendment of the Bylaws shall be <br />in accordance with the procedural and voting requirements established by these Bylaws <br />or by resolution of the Authority. <br />5.2 Existing Projects -The Authority shall have neither control nor authority over any <br />existing economic development or redevelopment project in the County unless <br />specifically so provided by resolution of the Sherburne County Board of Commissioners. <br />If the County Board adopts a resolution transferring control, authority and operation of <br />any existing project to the Authority, the Authority shall accept control, authority, and <br />operation of the project. When taking control of an existing project the Authority may <br />exercise all of the powers that the govenvnental unit established in the project could <br />exercise with respect to the project and shall covenant and pledge to perform the terms, <br />06/7/8 Sherburne (rn~nriā€¢ F_ D A Bylnws Pnge 7 oJ8 <br />