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i. Roll call; <br />ii. Confirmation and recognition of new Commissioners; <br />iii. Election of officers and establishment of their terms; <br />iv. Appointment of the Executive Director; <br />v. Designation of committee assignments to Commissioners; <br />vi. Determination of new committees and assignments of Commissioners; <br />vii. Consideration of staff assignments; <br />viii. Approval of official newspaper; <br />ix. Approval of official depository; <br />x. Reports by various officers and subcommittees; <br />xi. Designation of place of meeting during the remainder of calendar year; <br />xii. Determination of dates of meeting during the remainder of calendar year; <br />xiii. Discussion of any modifications or amendments to the Statute or the <br />Enabling Resolution; and <br />xiv. Discussion of Bylaws and any suggested amendments. <br />2.6 Regular Meeting - <br />a. Time and Place -Regular meetings shall be held by the Authority at such time <br />and place as determined by the Authority at its Annual Meeting, unless the <br />Authority by subsequent resolution establishes a different time and place for <br />regular meetings. <br />b. Notice - No separate notice need be given for regular meetings held at the time <br />and place designated by Resolution of the Authority. <br />c. Order of Business -The suggested order of business at regular meetings shall be <br />the following: <br />i. Roll call; <br />ii. Opening format; <br />iii. Approval of minutes; <br />iv. Financial matters; <br />v. Old business; <br />vi. Consent business; <br />vii. Hearings and resolutions; <br />viii. Project considerations; <br />ix. New business; and <br />x. Close. <br />2.7 Special MeetinQS - Special meetings of the Authority shall be called by the Board Chair <br />at any time, either in his or her discretion or upon written request of any Board Member. <br />A special meeting may also be called by the Board Chair. Notice of Special Meetings <br />shall be given to each Board Member and to each Commissioner of the County Board, <br />and shall be posted at the Authority's principal office. <br />0617!8 Sherburne County E.D A Bydnws Pnge 3 oJ8 <br />