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Christmas Downtown Open House: We will be working with Elk River Park and Rec again to <br />sponsor a Downtown Holiday Open House on Saturday December 13`h. We will have Santa in <br />the park. Please contact Wendy if you can work on a committee to help organize this event or if <br />you have ideas to share. <br />Election of Officers: We will have election of Rivers Edge Officers at the August Meeting. Fred <br />McCoy is currently vice chair and will be slated for chairman; Jim Rudolph is Treasurer and will <br />be slated for Treasurer. Patti Hipsag is Secretary and will be slated for Secretary. We need <br />someone to run for Vice-Chair. If you are interested in being slated for one of these offices <br />please let Wendy know and she will put your name on the ballot. <br />Dues: Dues statements for Downtown Rivers Edge Membership will go out in the near future. <br />Please consider becoming a member if you aren't already. The dues go towards flowers, <br />advertising for special events (Halloween, Christmas Open House, and Sidewalk Sales) and for <br />the special events themselves. If you can't attend the meetings yourself, you can designate <br />someone from your business to attend for your business. <br />The meeting was adjourned at 9AM. <br />