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Rivers Edge Meeting Minutes July 9, 2008 <br />Meeting was called to order at 8AM and was held in the Arts Alliance Gallery at 716 Main <br />Street. Present were: Annie Deckert, Jim Rudolph, Dave Rymanowski, Roger Hebeisen, Fred <br />McCoy, Donna Busch, Wendy Simenson, Tony Mikols. <br />Treasurer's report: Jim reported that there is $1,622.39 in our treasury. <br />Secretary's Report: Roger moved and Dave seconded to accept the minutes from the May 14t'' <br />meeting as written. The motion passed. <br />Old Business: Annie Deckert who is the City of Elk Rivers new Economic Development <br />Assistant was introduced. Annie will be the liaison between the Downtown Rivers Edge Group <br />and the City of Elk River. She is currently working on updating the list of commercial property <br />available for rent/purchase in the downtown area. She.asked that anyone with retail space <br />available for rent downtown contact her with the address, property description -including <br />square footage, and she will have the list published on the City's website and we can link to that <br />site from the Downtown Elk River Webpage. She will update the list quarterly so please also let <br />her know if you have rented or sold the space. <br />The Intersection by Rivers Edge Commons Park is done and looks very nice. Thank you to the <br />City for its renovation. The attendance at the concerts has brought lots of people downtown. <br />There have been a variety of crowds based on the groups performing. Most people don't stop at <br />businesses on their way to the concerts but notice what is downtown and hopefully will come <br />back to visit. Thanks to the Bank of Elk River and First Financial and the City of Elk River for <br />sponsoring the quality concerts and bringing the people downtown. <br />Jackson Square Apartments still have a waiting list. The majority of leases are up in October. <br />The Bluffs had a successful open house and are having office hours from 1PM to SPM <br />Thursdays to Sundays, to show the units. Stephanie Danielson is the Realtor Working with <br />Mnwest Bank trying to sell the units. A few potential buyers have been interested. StudiO2 has <br />moved out of the bluffs. There lease was up and they couldn't come to terms with Mnwest <br />Bank. <br />The downtown exercise challenge was a success. The Elk River Parks Department gave us some <br />items with Elk River Insignia on them as prizes for the people doing the most exercise and <br />bingoing on the exercise bingo. Certificates were presented to all completing 150 minutes of <br />exercise a week for 4 weeks. Approximately 45 people participated in the challenge. Some <br />turned in regular weekly exercise some played bingo. We will look at starting another challenge <br />in the fall and going for a longer period of time. <br />Banners, Signs, Flower Pots: The consensus of the group was that we need to increase the <br />number of flower pots downtown. The City purchased the original pots and matching garbage <br />cans. We have been paying for the flowers and having them planted in the pots (Meryl <br />Gisselquist volunteers her time to bargain for the plants and planting them -she also donates <br />some of her money towards the purchase. At the end of the season, she then moves the roses and <br />