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r:.~rm-Based Zoning <br />t~~ic~t i~~;~t~ 9'~I,~a~it;;' :~~~;f-t:i<i~.i{a~~ <br />;.. rxr4s~:~rg~ ~~~~, <br />_Saturday ; Sunday I I~9onday .Tuesday L1'ednesday <br />Overview Fa~~-_~~~~ ~~~~~~ <br />Page 1 of 2 <br />Sessions + uesday, /~prll 27, 2C)ga <br />By f~ega~o Le~~is, AFCP <br />Workshops RPA Senior Rese~rrci~ .;ssv:;iate <br />Special Events Many of the places thought of as "great" are areas that developed prior to the <br />Hot Topics adoption of Euclidean zoning regulations. These places -representative examples <br />are Chicago 's Loop District and San Francisco -are the products of development <br />People that occurred based on an emphasis an physical form rather than on controlling <br />US2S. <br />V~lhile the term "form-based codes" is around ;'<< years old, the concept of basing <br />regulation on form has been around ter a white, under a variety of names - <br />performance zoning and district-based zoning being among the "ancestors" of form- <br />based zoning. <br />In contrast to conventional zoning codes, form-based codes are highly illustrated <br />and involve a significant level of public participation. A panel of practitioners <br />discussed hove form-based zoning codes seek to recapture a development pattern <br />that focuses on "form" before "function." <br />Because they separate uses into distinLt districi:s, conventional zoning regulations <br />often make it difficult to create mixed-use communities, a goal many planners <br />pursue. This separation has also resulted in many instances in disconnecting <br />planning and urban design. By presenting the principles and concepts in an <br />illustrated corm, farm-based codes work to reconnect these ttaro areas and define a <br />desirable farm for an area. <br />In addition to having a direct impact on shaping form, form-based codes involve a <br />much more ea~tensive public participation process than the development of a <br />conventional code does. The charrette process is the primary mechanism far <br />community participaticn and input. The goal is to have citizens be fully engaged and <br />involved in the development process, so that the lave a4FVner°ship over it. it aisa re- <br />emphasizes the focus on physical farm .of a place aver the specific uses. <br />1h'hile examples of Sonoma, Hercules, and Petafurna, Callfarnia, ~a~ere presented as <br />places that have adopted form-based codes, rural areas have also embraced these <br />':odes. Fi prime example is Vlaodford ~~ountry, F;entudcy, where a proposed Wai-Mart <br />spurred the can~munity to undertake a c!•rarrette process and adopt aform-based <br />code. In addition, "rust-bE:lt" cities like Syracuse, New 1'as-k; Saratoga Springs, flew <br />Park; and Providence, Rhode island, have aisa adapted form-based codes, <br />Paul Cravvford, r=AiCP, of Crawford l~!u!tari ~. Clari: presented the fallowing principles <br />for form-based codes: <br />~ ltVOr k from a defi3lirlg 5}~ri%lai pattern, SUCH a5 the Tral'tSeCt ar a system of <br />neighborhoods, districts, and corridors <br />~ De-emphasize land use in favor of E>uiiding form an:a t}rpaloay <br />Emphasize mixed uses and mi>:ed use dousing <br />~ Focus cn ttio streetscape and the public realm <br />Conduct adesign-focused public participation process <br />"('a creat;~ a farm-based cede, Cre?~~~fcrrd suggested alive-step approach: <br /> 1 /3 /2005 <br />