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Ib I'Lum u,~ N~wcnihci _'llllq <br />_ ~~-,r'' <br />~~ g -- -^~ qs~~' '~ +~ s se ~s .~- -~ ~ ~ '~' ~ ~"~ #~y° '~%" ~~~,-~~ ~ syy~" ~ ~`A ,~,~?k a ~ ~~~-~ Abe ..b`~.u <br />e~ `~;..i~r~~7 ~ ~~~. ~...~~ °5' T,...r'~ ~-~ .~~sd.4 ' ~,~? ~ .~'r; ~ ~.~ ~.~ ~ ~, ~ ~ ~. ~a. ~ .Ya'~-.. ~ I'~ '~.~_ ~.3f ~w ~ ~ ~ . s~ <br />_ '~_ <br />~' t-- ' t _ <br />hat's what New Urban- <br />a isr architect-planner <br />'Andres Duanv exl7urrs <br />audiences to da in his <br />lectures about the decline <br />01 AlI1C17 Ca S SLlb LLfbti. <br />U/hen 1 first heard <br />_ ,- Duane express this vie\v <br />in file early 19~>Us, I ~•vas taken abad:, :u, I'm <br />sure, most pl.uulers were. Ir seemed outrageous <br />ro su`~`~cs7r filar zoning', d]r body of law char <br />lO11CfU1ti dCVCUpn7CRC In ~~~~ pCfl.CllC Ol .`~.11]C1lCa,S <br />COn1111L1[llC1C5, COLLId be SO Ca$Ily d1smlS5cd. <br />SInLC CI1CI1, hU\d'C1'Cr, I ~~C lU nle CU bCI1C~'C <br />that Du:ul~~'s prescription may nut be so radi- <br />cal after all. His main point is filar cunven- <br />tion;ll zoning based un d7e sc~'rc~atiun ofland <br />uses was never intended ro deal with physical <br />lOrll7, :11'14 ChaC Cl]e band-lld n1e:1Sll1'CS (In- <br />cluding design ~Lnd21111CS) Cll.!L pl;inners cobble <br />onto cslsun`' ordinances ro address this deti- <br />C1enCV )LItiC 111a1Ce I11.1CLC1'1 WOrSC. 5U n7eCh111 `' <br />else is nocL.{ed, and th:lr ,umcrhing else is what <br />New Urbanists clll Form-based cudin~. <br />As its name su~~csts, funs-based cudin~' seeks <br />Cl1 rC'~L!la Cl' Che j07"Il Ol Che bLLII[ C7n \'ii'Onl1]CnC. <br />In contrast, conventional wnin~ primarily <br />seeks ru control land use ;old density. bur is <br />lamely silent on I111CCCrS Ol fOf'f11 bev~nd the <br />most basic height, flour-:area, and setback limits <br />for individual buildings. <br />The ne~n~ approach bLillds un the idea char <br />physicLl form is a cummunin'~s must inu-insic <br />.ltld C11dL11'111~ Chat'aC[21'ISrIC. IC Scel:S CO codlh' <br />that form in a suai~htf~~rvvard way so that <br />pl;Lnncrs, citizens, dcveli,pers, ;und i]Ch CI' SCa1:C- <br />hulders col muvC casil~- lron7 a sh.ucd physi- <br />c.!1 vision ofa place ro its built realm'. <br />Tu understand the concept, thinl: uC nc~ <br />~~a\ nci~Li~urhoi,clschan`'ruverrime.Innlal7y <br />