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Consider Ycar 2006 HRA Budget and Resolution Regarding H12A Levy <br />August 1, 2005 HRA Meeting <br />Page 2 of 2 <br />Below is a line item analysis of the proposed year 2006 expenditures for the HRA: <br />• Personal Services $ 62,800 <br />• Legal Fees (TIF, relocation, etc.) $ 10,000 <br />• Other Professional Services $ 24,000 <br />o Ehlers & Assoc. -Redevelopment Project Management <br />o BDM Consulting Engineers- Engineering Services <br />• Postage (construction notices, Q&A inserts) $ 1,000 <br />• Publishing (Downtown project communications) $ 12,500 <br />• Insurance $ 250 <br />• Dues & Subscriptions $ 200 <br />o MN National Assoc. of Housing & Redevelopment Officials <br />• Transfer out to General Fund (support staff, etc) $ 9,500 <br />• Transfer out to EDA (approx. 37% shared expenses) 3 500 <br />Total HRA Year 2005 Proposed Expenditures: $123,750 <br />Total HRA Year 2005 Proposed Revenue: $264,950 <br />The projected balance of $141,200 will be put into the HRA reserves for any future project <br />expenses. <br />Attached to this memo you will find a Resolution establishing the tax levy for the Elk River <br />HRA, which requests that the City Council levy such maximum amount for the authority for <br />the year 2006, as in previous years. The City must certify its proposed maximum levy, <br />including EDA and HRA levies, to Sherburne County annually in September. <br />Recommendation <br />Staff recommends that the HRA approve the year 2006 HRA Budget as presented, and <br />approve the attached Resolution establishing the HRA tax levy for collection in year 2006. <br />