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Housing & Redevelopment Authority <br />July 5, 2005 <br />Page 3 <br />bring in business and residential and that he believes the buildings will be a nice addition to <br />the downtown area. <br />Chair Wilson indicated that it appears that the developer is listening to the Council's and the <br />HRA's comments and hopefully they will continue to make modifications to the buildings. <br />Ms. Mehelich stated that she will pass these comments onto MetroPlains. <br />ackson Sc~ua~re Flag Pole and Gaze&~ <br />Ms. Mehelich stated that at their June 6, 2005 meeting, the City Council approved the <br />transfer of the flag pole to the school district for its office located downtown. Ms. Mehelich <br />indicated that staff has been working with the school district to identify a site and obtain a <br />quote for the relocation. She noted that the HRA had indicated willingness to contribute <br />toward the cost of relocating the pole. Ms. Mehelich also indicated that the Council <br />approved the transfer of the gazebo structure to Guardian Angels of Elk River for relocation <br />of the roof portion to the senior center but since that time, Guardian Angels has determined <br />that the cost to relocate the roof is more than the cost to purchase and install a new gazebo <br />structure and has declined the city's offer. She stated that Meadowvale School has indicated <br />an interest in relocating the gazebo to the school and staff is exploring that option. <br />Const~uceion StagmgPlari/Public Safety <br />Ms. Mehelich stated that construction will be disruptive at times for the downtown and that <br />an area of concern for the city is public safety for pedestrians, vehicle traffic, and the <br />construction site and workers. Ms. Mehelich indicated that another concern is keeping the <br />downtown open for business with as little inconvenience as possible. Ms. Mehelich <br />explained that Fire Chief Bruce West has been designated as the lead public safety contact <br />for the construction project and will be the liaison between the city and the developer's <br />contractor on public safety issues. She noted that staff is currently reviewing preluninary <br />construction staging plans and Chief West will present the staff recommended public safety <br />plans to the City Council prior to construction commencing. <br />Ca~v~nrnicatzons <br />Ms. Mehelich indicated that the latest project Q&A newsletter was distributed in early June <br />and primarily focused on the King Avenue parking lot improvement project. She stated that <br />the next edition of the newsletter is planned for August and will cover issues related to <br />construction. Ms. Mehelich explained that in addition, a vision piece is being developed that <br />will be a full-color glossy four-page brochure highlighting the project goals, description, <br />schedule, and graphics. The purpose is to remind the public of the big picture purpose for <br />the redevelopment, how the goals set forth by the city will be achieved, information on <br />timing, and will help the community focus on an attractive and desired end result during the <br />construction period. Ms. Mehelich noted that the Mayor's Show currently airing on the city's <br />cable channel focuses on the downtown project and features Vern Hanson of MetroPlains, <br />HRA Chair Wilson, as well as herself. <br />5.1. Call Special HRA Meeting for J~ 11, 2005 for Joint Worksession with City Council to <br />Discuss Refined Design Options with MetroPlains <br />MOVED BY COMMISSIONER TOTH AND SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER <br />KUESTER TO CALL A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE HOUSING AND <br />REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY FOR MONDAY, JULY 11, 2005 AT 6:30 P.M. <br />FOR THE PURPOSE OF HOLDING A JOINT MEETING WITH THE CITY <br />COUNCIL TO DISCUSS REFINED DESIGN OPTIONS WITH <br />METROPLAINS. MOTION CARRIED 5-0. <br />