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B. Land Use <br />Any proposed land uses for the Redevelopment Area shall be consistent with the City's <br />Zoning Ordinance, specifically, to the Downtown District, Section 30-1026. <br />"Commercial and residential parking lots and ramps", as proposed in Phase II, is a <br />conditional use as described in Section 30-1026 (d) (4) (i). At the time any buildings are razed <br />and a new parking area established, the conditional use permit process will be initiated. <br />C. Redevelopment Activities <br />1. Acquisition <br />The City anticipates the acquisition of the Phase II properties on which the municipal <br />parking facilities will be located. C-ther than that property, other property in the <br />Redevelopment Area maybe acquired in the future by the HRA if and when required to <br />facilitate development or redevelopment within the Redevelopment Area. <br />2. Relocation <br />It is not expected that any persons will be displaced as a result of the Phase II <br />Redevelopment Plan. <br />Municipal Facilities <br />From time to time, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority, working with the City, will <br />assess not only the need for expansion of the King Avenue parking lot, but the totality of <br />parking needs based on the type and level of future redevelopment. <br />D. Financing Plan <br />1. Project Budget <br />Attached hereto as Exhibit B is a budget which details estimated development costs <br />associated with constructing and equipping the Phase II improvements as currently <br />contemplated and installing public improvements. The items of cost and the costs thereof <br />shown in the budget are estimated to be necessary based upon information now available. It <br />is anticipated that the items of cost and the costs thereof shown in each category in the <br />budget may decrease or increase, but that the total project costs will not exceed the amount <br />shown above. <br />2. Source of Funds and Security <br />The HRA is entering into a contract for deed for the Phase II properties, pursuant to <br />Minnesota Statutes, Section 465.71. The contract for deed agreement is payable from the <br />HRA's general sources including tax levies and existing fund balances, and is not limited to a <br />specific fund or specific source of revenues. <br />3 <br />