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shall be referred to as a permitted encumbrance in Section 2 and Se ion 3 of the Contrac <br />for Deed and the Parties must fully perform their obligations under t i~~e~r1F. ~' <br />If Buyer does not notify Seller of Buyer's election to terminate this Agreem <br />subsection (a) above or waive Buyer's Objection pursuant to subsection (b) above before the <br />Date of Closing, this Agreement automatically terminates, and Buyer must deliver an executed <br />and recordable quit claim deed to the Property to Seller to evidence the termination of this <br />Agreement. <br />11. Real Estate Taxes and Special Assessments. The Parties must pay the real <br />estate taxes (which term, as used in this Agreement, must include service charges assessed <br />against real property on an annual basis pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 429.101) and special <br />assessments as follows: <br />a. On or before the Date of Closing, Seller must pay all real estate taxes, all <br />special assessments and any penalties and interest thereon that are due and payable with <br />respect to the Property; <br />b. On or before the Date of Closing, Seller must pay or provide for the <br />payment of all special assessments levied or pending against the Property as of the date <br />of this Agreement, including special assessments certified for payment with the current <br />year's real estate taxes; <br />c. Subject to Section 7, Buyer and Seller must pro rate the real estate taxes <br />that are due and payable in the year of closing on a per-diem basis using a calendar year, <br />to the Date of Closing. The Parties must pro-rate the real estate taxes using current year <br />real estate tax information, if available, and, if current year tax information is not <br />available, using the amount of the real estate taxes due and payable in the year <br />immediately preceding the year of closing. Any such pro-ration is final and no <br />subsequent adjustments, refunds or additional payments must be made. <br />d. Buyer must pay all real estate taxes that are due and payable in the years <br />following the year of closing and all special assessments other than special assessments <br />Seller is obligated to pay pursuant to Section 11(b). <br />12. Seller's Representations and Warranties. Seller makes the following <br />representations and warranties to Buyer: <br />a. The individuals executing this Agreement on behalf of Seller represent to <br />Buyer that they have the legal and corporate authority to execute this Agreement on <br />behalf of Seller and to bind Seller. Seller represents and warrants to Buyer that Seller has <br />the legal and corporate authority to enter into this Agreement and to sell the Property. <br />b. Seller represents and warrants that there has been no labor or materials <br />furnished to the Property for which payment has not been paid. <br />1941727v5 <br />