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D. Statement of Authority <br />Minnesota Statutes Section 469.001-469.047 (Housing and <br />Redevelopment Authority Act) grants municipalities the authority <br />to designate redevelopment areas within the boundaries of the <br />municipalities. Within these areas, the municipality may adopt a <br />redevelopment plan and establish a project consistent with the <br />municipality's public purpose. The project as contemplated by this <br />plan consists of a redevelopment project as defined in Section <br />469.001, Subdivision 14. In connection with the municipal center, <br />the lease with option to purchase agreement is authorized under <br />Minnesota Statutes, Section 465.71. <br />E. Findings and Declaration <br />The City and the EDA make the following findings: <br />The land in the Redevelopment Area would not be made available for <br />redevelopment without the financial aid sought. <br />2. The Redevelopment Plan for the Redevelopment Area in the City will <br />afford maximum opportunity consistent with the needs of the locality as a <br />whole, for the redevelopment of the area by private enterprise. <br />3. The Redevelopment Plan conforms to the general plan for development of <br />the City as a whole. <br />II. REDEVELOPMENT PROGRAM <br />A. Redevelopment Plan Objectives <br />The EDA, through implementation of this plan, seeks to achieve <br />the following objectives: <br />1. To provide for the least costly and most efficient municipal facilities for <br />the City required to provide adequate City services to the region. <br />2. To promote and seek the orderly and harmonious development of the <br />Redevelopment Area. <br />3. To provide logical and organized land use for the entire Redevelopment <br />Area consistent with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan and the Zoning <br />Ordinance of the City. <br />4. To promote the prompt development of property in the Redevelopment <br />Area with a minimal adverse impact on the environment. <br />1723662v4 2 <br />