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Added to that will be the chaos that will be created by the start of the busy session for <br />excavation of Jackson Square and the delivery of large planking to both the Bluff's and to <br />the Bank of Elk River as well as the brick work on the exterior of the new bank addition. <br />This will mean that for excavation alone, there will be a dump truck every 3-4 minutes <br />backing into the Jackson Square site each day. Officers will have to stop traffic constantly to <br />make this happen. They will also have to stop traffic frequently to get brick and planking <br />deliveries in as well. The resulting schedule will mean that although the road will be open, it <br />will be impassable or blocked more than it will be open. <br />From a last safety concern, we will have the motoring public driving through the middle of <br />three primary construction areas, with cranes and lifts being operated beside and above <br />them, as well as equipment operating within the same traffic lanes, lanes that due to the <br />latest fencing-are no longer straight, but actually angled as the cars get close to coming back <br />out to the Jackson intersection. Then, four weeks later we close it all down again and have to <br />reeducate the driving public for the remaining part of the closure-perhaps another 5-6 weeks. <br />In closure, the purpose of this correspondence is not to deter the Council from standing by <br />the decision to reopen the road, but to inform the Council of some of the factors that have <br />changed or continue to impact our traffic situation downtown. I understand the predicament <br />and pressure from the business community, and know that opening is what was promised. It <br />may however create a more problematic traffic pattern than what currently exists, so we <br />need to insure that in this case, we know exactly what associated issues will be created once <br />the road is opened, so that we can be prepared to deal with those new issues when they arise. <br />