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6. When Main Street is re-routed, parking on the south side (between the Cinema Building and the <br />Law Office) will be converted to ninety-degree parking and then converted back to diagonal <br />when the street resumes to through traffic. (Striping to be the responsibility of the private <br />contractors) <br />7. The City Engineer will be developing a signage and detour plan (installation to be the <br />responsibility of the City but to be paid for by the applicants). <br />8. Work with MNDot regarding timing of any traffic signals at intersections along Highway 10 to <br />accommodate changes in traffic flow. <br />9. This schedule should not affect ERMU's directional boring project or the park construction <br />10. City will place will create a Downtown Marketing Plan including ads the Star News, City <br />newsletter, cable etc to give additional advertisement for downtown businesses (Marketing Plan <br />enclosed). <br />Option 2: <br />The second option assumes that the MetroPlains Traffic Plan is adhered to and that: 1) 30 feet of <br />Jackson Avenue is taken for the staging and construction area and, 2) Main Street remains <br />temporarily re-routed for the three months with through traffic resuming sometime between early to <br />mid August. This option assumes that the narthbound "out of downtown" would then happen on <br />Lowell Ave and Proctor Ave. The period of time that this scenario would be in place would be up to <br />55 days, depending on when Jackson Place construction begins (earliest assumed is June 15, 2006 <br />and through traffic resuming on Main Street on or about August 8, 2006). <br />1) Re-route Main Street per the request of the bank's contractor on a date of or around <br />May 8, 2006 <br />2) Allow Metro Plains to place a construction limit fence 30 ft. into the easterly portion of <br />Jackson Avenue per the previously approved July 18, 2005 Plan. Staff would work with <br />MetroPlains to ensure that this change would not happen until actual construction <br />begins. <br />3) Create signage as needed to direct traffic onto Lowell and Proctor and warning the <br />motoring public that after Lowell there is no outlet back to Highway 10. <br />4) Items 3 - 10 in Option 1 remain. <br />Consideration for Main Street Reconfiguration aa~hen Main Street is Re-Routed <br />During the period of time that Main Street is rerouted per this request, the City has the option to <br />convert Main Street from Jackson Avenue to Kirlg Avenue from diagonal and parallel parking to 90 <br />degree, head-in parking. This would almost double the amount of parking that is available, but once <br />Main Street resumes through traffic, parking along Main Street would have to convert back to <br />existing conditions. <br />Council <br />n Motion by Second by Vote <br />Follow Up <br />Q\Documents and Settings\cmeheheh\Loeal Settings\Temporazy Internet Files\OLK79\Request Council Action Temporary Re-Route Main <br />Street.doc <br />