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fiver <br />Downtown North of Hwy 10 Redevelopment Plan <br />Work Plan Outline <br />Adopted by HRA in November 2005 <br />I. Refine Purpose & Primary Goal <br />A. Discussion: "Are we attempting to extend the downtown area and reestablish a second <br />downtown area or is it appropriate to view the area as something else?" <br />B. Review property inventory including property valuations <br />C. Check-in with City Council for agreement on purpose and primary goal, and <br />authorization to proceed with work plan <br />II. Refine Policy Goals & Strategies <br />A. Land Use <br />B. Design & Regulatory Issues <br />C. Economic Development <br />D. Property Acquisition <br />E. Rehabilitation <br />F. Transit/Traffic Consideration <br />III. Modify the Generalized Land Use Concept <br />IV. Test Desired Land Uses for Economic Feasibility <br />V. Modify Land Use Plan and Review with Stakeholders <br />A. Neighborhood (Business & Residential) <br />B. Planning Commission <br />C. Heritage Preservation Commission <br />D. Park & Recreation Commission <br />E. Economic Development Authority <br />F. City Council <br />VI. Develop Phasing Schedule & Priorities <br />VII. Finalize Land Use Plan <br />VIII. Adopt Redevelopment Plan and Authorize Implementation <br />S:\Downtown North of Hwy 10\Goals Sc Strategies\Work Plan.doc <br />