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~~ty Council ~ii.~YUtes <br />,dune 1 , ~a~ <br />gage S <br />~~, $eck stated aun shauid discuss tivhether to hraaden this a~dinance to ir~ciude ather <br />types a~'businesse. ~e stated e tent of the ardinanee is to nit a~aw dve~txs,~g ~~~ ~~',~ <br />premises bus~eses. <br />~~rF RahX~' stated he concurs ~e city a~tc~rney, ~~ stated ~e idea off' the menu ~a~xd is <br />to shave yaux seiectians at a drive~th~u bane Beare gettg to ~~ taunter in arder to speed <br />up service Vie. <br />Counc~nen~ber e~vas suested the oxdina,nce to other businesses but to <br />tighten up the de,n,idan of ~~hat pan iae on ~~ board. <br />~. ~i~hart stated concerns nth opening up the ardinance at this ~ and he ~~er <br />stated the pity does Hat ai~aw a~~ ~re~,se ad~rerds~ng its ordinances. <br /> <br />5.7. e nest by its a~' ilk fiver far rd~ance amendment e din iacen~ent a~ ~~ack <br />~~rt ~~bic Hearin ~ 'use .~V~. ~~R~ ar~tinr~ed to u~~ ~ 2aa$ <br />.fir. ~aa,hwt presented the staff' repart. <br />~~a~or i~~~g apened the pu~~ic hearing. <br />Steve ~oh~~-~ Stated cancerns ~~i sta~'~ en~orcerr~ent of this ardinance. ~e stated it ~vouid <br />~e di~~icuit to en~'azce and gat 4vorth passing this a~di~ance due to the wr~aunt a~ <br />deveta~abie hand ie~'t in the city. <br />~r~ayar fining Hated e pu~~c hewing rauid be cantinued to Judy ?~, ?~~$. <br />V .F,.I~~ ~ #~~a.,-I~* i 4+ i. V ~~ ~.i~~ #rF 1R ~iJ~ ~~~ Y ~J~~~.~R aJM~• <br />.~. e nest by itv a~ .~ ~,iver far C~~dinance .r~end~nent to Sectian 3a~37~ e ~ rdin pia y <br />Sha e fiats Public ,~earin - 's~ .~V"a. C]., D~~~~ <br />fix. ~~hwt presented the sta~~ report. <br />Ia~rar lining opened e pu~~€c hewng. There being na one to spea~~ to this issue, agar <br />I~lin~n eased the public hewing. <br />The auncii Hated they ~~au~d l.e to see ~. def~itian far are "access stri~,~' <br />~ ~` ~tT~C~~~B~ ~U~~R.~' ANA G~~ ~ <br />