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Redevelopment Framework Plan -Project Update <br />August G, 2007 HRA Meeting <br />Page 2 of 2 <br />attended by approximately 135 people, representatives of the Task Force and 3 City Council <br />members. <br />As a follow up, residents in the Morton/Norfolk Avenue area asked for a separate <br />neighborhood meeting which was held on August 1.2007. Approximately 40 residents <br />attended the meeting. Community Development Director Scott Clark, Park and Recreation <br />Director Bill Maertz and Councilmember Zerwas represented the City and the Task Force. <br />Next Steps <br />Staff is currently tallying the comments received both in written form and the question and <br />answer portion of the meetings. A "frequently-asked-questions" newsletter will be prepared <br />and distributed in follow up to the comments, in addition to direct follow up with those that <br />requested it. A summary of comments will be provided the Task Force for its August 13tH <br />meeting. <br />The primary focus of the August 13 Task Force meeting will be to re-examine the Highway <br />10 options as directed by the City Council, and for follow up at the Council's August 20tH <br />work session. Upon the Council's preliminary agreement regarding Highway 10 within the <br />Plan, the public participation process will continue with a series of community open houses <br />and City board and commission review and input over the months of September-October. <br />The Task Force will review and consider all of the input gathered during the public <br />participation phase at its meetings in October-November for refinement of the Plan and a <br />final recommendation to the HRA and City Council for Plan adoption in December January. <br />Additional information about the background, planning process, upcoming meetings and a <br />copy of the draft plan are all available on the city website at <br />