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area-is a far better/safer crosswalk to use." <br />John said that he has been parking across highway 10 for the last several days and having no <br />problem crossing the street. <br />Music in the Park: <br />Every Thursday night through the summer, the Parks Department will be hosting a free concert in <br />the park. The concerts will usually start at 7PM and last for 45 minutes to an hour. (Intermissions <br />not included so they may actually go longer than that). June 21 there will be a ribbon cutting <br />ceremony at 6:30 PM that RiversEdge Businesses are invited to. At 7PM Bill Isles will be <br />playing. <br />Please let Ross Demants at the Park Department know if you have any concerns about what goes <br />on downtown during the concerts. He is aware of the concern about concert goers having to use <br />business restrooms and he will be addressing that issue. <br />Connecting to ArtSoup June 23/24. <br />Several Businesses will be having sidewalk sales downtown during ArtSoup. <br />A Trolley will be going up and down Main Street between Handke Stadium and the new <br />RiversEdge Commons Park. Patrick Grace had Postcards for businesses to pass out. There will be <br />a nice spread in the ArtSoup Program with downtown sidewalk sale ad with the downtown <br />businesses advertising around it. <br />Street Dance August 18"', 2007: <br />Fred wasn't at the meeting but shared the following information: Jackson Ave will be closed at <br />SPM as will parts of Main Street around the intersection of Main and Jackson. The 9PM band will <br />be "Hang Fire" an energetic band that plays both Rock N Roll and the Blues. He is still working <br />on the opening band. Once again tickets will be sold ahead for $5.00. The City of Elk River has <br />agreed to help pay for advertising to help promote this event. Fred has to talk to the parks <br />department about the best place to put the band for people to dance. He is thinking about putting <br />it on Jackson Ave facing Main Street. <br />Downtown Retail businesses are going to do another sidewalk sale that day. We are looking at <br />trying to get some activity during the park that day also. <br />Planters: <br />The Planters should all be planted by ArtSoup. Thanks to Meryl for all of her hard work! <br />New Business <br />Welcoming new businesses: <br />We don't have an official welcoming group but we should all make an attempt to stop in and say <br />hi to the new businesses as they open. <br />Webpage: <br />Wendy has turned on a webpage for downtown on Kemper Drug's website <br /> If you have anything you want added to it please email <br />simen003( and let her know. She will try to keep it updated with what's happening <br />downtown (concerts in the park- special events at businesses) and a listing of businesses that give <br />her their information to put on the site. <br />The Meeting was adjourned at 9:OOAM <br />