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sound system in the park, but there is electrical. Tony asked if the Park would be lit at night. The <br />first concert will be held on June 21St. Performing will be Bill Isles and the concert is being <br />sponsored by First National Bank of Elk River. He said that the City will be providing signage <br />for lots indicating that parking will be available in the Bank's lots after business hours for <br />concerts. Hopefully that will help keep the lot behind Daddy'Os available for their customers. <br />June 28th the Killer Hayseeds will be performing. He said they are looking at having movies in <br />the park every other week in the fall. Ross requested that we provide feedback to him or the <br />parks department on how it goes. <br />There will be Artist Booths at the performances. He didn't want to compete with downtown <br />restaurants so no food will be sold at the events. <br />He also said that they are conceptualizing an "Elk River Days" to be held downtown the summer <br />of 2008. <br />Ross also told us about the Farmers Market that will be held at Lake Orono on Thursdays from 3 <br />to 7. They are planning for 12 to 20 vendors per week. He would like to see the Market moved <br />downtown next summer if possible. The challenge is that some of the vendors sell out of the <br />back of their trucks and they will need some place that for them to set up that can accommodate <br />their vehicles. <br />Planters Downtown: Meryl knows where she wants the pots put. Heidi said she would talk to <br />Phil about contacting us before the pots are dropped off and also to discuss the possibility of <br />getting more pots. <br />Connecting to ArtSoup: Wendy introduced Patrick Grace, the new executive of the Elk River <br />Area Arts Alliance. ArtSoup will be held June 23 and 24, 2007. Patrick told us that there will be <br />a fundraiser on Saturday, June 23rd in the evening. He also said that ads are available in the <br />program book that will be given out at ArtSoup. He suggested that if we fill a page that we can <br />advertise the sidewalk sale in our ad. The Kyle Baker Band, a local band, will open the show <br />followed by a film by an independent film maker. We will be having a downtown sidewalk sale <br />those days (and probably Friday June 22 also). Wendy has found a horse drawn trolley to <br />provide rides between downtown and ArtSoup. The cost is $1200 for the two days of ArtSoup. It <br />was moved and seconded that RiversEdge could pay $500 out of our treasury to help cover the <br />costs. The motion passed. It was suggested that it would be nice if we could find more art to <br />display downtown during ArtSoup. Tony suggested an Easel with Art Soup on the Bank of Elk <br />River's downtown branch. <br />Street Dance/SK Run August 18th: No info was presented at the meeting. <br />New Business: <br />Heidi said that she was told by Bill Maertz that there would be bike racks installed downtown <br />behind Bumper to Bumper. <br />The meeting was adjourned at gam. <br />