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d`~ rl~`q 7~ ItiaS. ~~_."~". ~P~~1 ~»°$~~~.., w IA . Aa <br />nications is more than good.-..writing. <br />Commu <br />Building support for redevelopment involves developing <br />and implementing a strategic communications program. <br />A Strategic Redevelopment Communications Program does <br />the following: <br />• Acknowledges and respects the controversial nature of redevelopment; <br />• ..Forecasts time frame, upcoming decisions and opportunities for public involvement; <br />• Encourages questions; <br />• Provides a context for the redevelopment with both a historical chronology, problem statement <br />and goals, and an answer to "why change?"; <br />• Identifies direct and indirect development issues; antl, <br />• Responds to concerns. <br />A Strategic Redevelopment Communications Program should <br />contain the elements: <br />• A Strategic Communications Plan -identifying the target audiences, key messages, <br />communications goals, tools, tactics and strategies, and developed with the input and buy-in of <br />elected officials. <br />• Open Houses -providing opportunities at critical points in the redevelopment process for the <br />public to learn more and provide feedback on redevelopment plans. <br />• Q&A Newsletters -sent communitywide prior to open houses and following open houses to <br />inform the public and address issues prior to open houses and to "feedback the feedback" <br />after open houses. The Q&A format provides the opportunity to address current issues and <br />concerns of the public in a timely manner. <br />• Strategic News Releases -prior to open houses that not only forecast the open houses but <br />provide context and meaning for the open house and the redevelopment project. <br />• Web, Cable TV, City Newsletter, etc. -providing repetitive opportunities to inform the <br />public about the project and its status, forecast issues and repeat key messages. <br />• Issues Fact Sheet - provides a summary of information regarding basic project issues <br />including goals (why are we redeveloping), unique project features, project characteristics <br />(location, size, issues) and developer information. <br />............... <br />Ehlers & Associates Inc. Illinois 630-271-3330 Minnesota 651-697-8500 Wisconsin 262-785-1520 ~ <br />