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vet <br />City of Ellc River <br />REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION Item Number <br />5.3. <br />Agenda Section Meeting Date Prepared by <br />~~/orl:session _april 9, ?007 Catl~ervie IVfehelich, Director of <br /> Economic Develo went <br />Item Description Reviewed by <br />Downtown Parl:irzg Focus Group Recommendations for Scott Clarl:, Coznznunity Development <br />Changes to Current Parking Regulations and Permitting Director <br />Introduction <br />On September l5, 2006, the City Council directed staff to prepare a report on parking issues in dze <br />clownto~vn area. In response to the report drat was presented to d1e Council November 20, 2006, the <br />Council agreed upon a series of assumptions to seiz=e as a Foundation for future parl:irzg <br />recommendations and established a parking focus group to develop ~vorl:izzg solutions. <br />The i~ocus Group was du:ected by the Council to complete the folio«ring tasls: <br />'1. Develop and reconunend to die Council modifications to the city='s regr>IatorS= and administrative <br />parl:uig permit process (Phase I -for implementation Spring 2007 through Spring 2005) <br />2. Der=clop and reconunencl to die Council policies for transition of employee parking to die peripher}= <br />of downtown. (Phase II -for unpleznentation Summer 200S}. <br />3. Develop analysis and recoznznend to the Council options for additional parking in the long term, <br />includuig parking ramp. (Phase III -for implementation uz die future). <br />Discussion <br />The Focus Group has completed the First tasl: and is prepared to present the attached recozrunendation <br />for modiftcations to die downtown paxl~izzg reguLltoz-~= and perzxzitting system for unplementation Spring <br />2007. The recommendations of die Focus Group tivill be presented by the staff facilitators, Cluef of <br />Police I3eahen and die Director of Economic Development Catherine D4ehelich. <br />Financial Impact <br />The primaz~y= financial in~zpacts of die recommendation have not been quantified, but are related to die <br />adznuustrative permitting (permit tags, signage, staff tune, etc.} and enforcement (staff tune} of parking <br />regulations as absorbed b}= die Police Department and Public ~~lorks Departments. It is unportant to <br />note drat it is clear drat the $10/uiondz pernut fee will not cover these additional costs of regulation and <br />enforcement. <br />In addition die Focus Group is reconunending die Cit}='s consideration of purchasing "parking boots" <br />(appro. SS00 each) for enforcement of unpaid parkizzg tickets and "emergency pull-posts" (approx. <br />51,700 each) to ease jxzblic safet~~ concerns. <br />Attachments <br />Downtown Parl:irzg Focus Group Meeting minutes, FcbruarS=-1\lardi 2007 <br />Phase I Recon-unended Modifications to the Downtown Parking Regulations & Pernutting Process <br />Downtown Parl~izzg R~Iap -Proposed Changes tlprii 2007 <br />S:\llua•nto~cn Rc~•it:di-ration\Parking\2007 hacl:in~; Focus Grout\RI;C`UGti I' COUNC_[!.. AC'CION.~{J).07.doc <br />