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Ciry Council Minutes <br />Apri19, 2007 <br />Page 4 <br />Councilmember Motin stated this project should be put off for awhile until the financing <br />could be determined. <br />Councilmember Gumphrey expressed safety concerns for pedestrians due to the amount of <br />traffic on this road. <br />The Council would like the finance director to look at funding options. <br />Ms. Johnson stated the finance department would like to complete a comprehensive <br />financing plan for all these transportation projects. She stated this is the first time costs have <br />been attached to these projects and it is staffs intent to come back at a later date with <br />funding options so the Council can prioritize them. <br />H. Mn/DOT Spring Tour <br />Mr. Maurer stated the Mn/DOT tour has been scheduled for Monday, May 7, 2007 at <br />9:30 a.m. <br />It was suggested that a representative from Anoka County be invited to this tour due to the <br />CSAH 33 and County Road 22 future through Anoka County. <br />5.3. Downtown Parking Focus Group Recommendations for Changes to Current Parking <br />Regulations and Permitting Process <br />Ms. Mehelich reviewed the Phase I recommendations of the Downtown Parking Focus <br />Group. <br />Councilmember Farber stated the parking ramp analysis should not wait until Phase III. He <br />stated the Group should be studying the need for a ramp while working on Phase I and <br />Phase II. He stated the projected new businesses and the customers they will generate need <br />to be taken into account. <br />Councilmember Zerwas stated he shares Councilmember Farber's concerns. <br />Councilmember Gumphrey concurred. He stated he would like the Downtown Parking <br />Focus Group to work with the Housing and Redevelopment Authority to consider a ramp. <br />Councilmember Motin disagreed and stated he felt it would be okay to wait a year in order <br />to see what is going to happen in the downtown once the Jackson and Bluff Blocks are <br />completed. He stated benefited property owners should be assessed for a ramp. <br />Mayor Klinzing concurred with Councilmember Motin. She stated that some businesses <br />should be limited in the number of city permits given to them as they already own private <br />parking spaces. <br />Councilmember Motin questioned how overnight parking enforcement will be handled. <br />Chief Beahen stated parking will be monitored during the day. He stated residential parking <br />will be the biggest concern with overnight parking. <br />Ms. Mehelich stated the Parking Focus Group is working on an aggressive time schedule. <br />She stated the Council could consider making the city-owned lot an all customer parking lot. <br />