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Downtown Parking Focus Group <br />Work Plan & Meeting Schedule <br />Revised April 2007 <br />Focus Groun Membershi <br />City Staff reps/facilitators: Cathy Mehelich <br />Police Chief Beahen <br />Scott Clark <br />HRA rep: Larry Toth <br />Council rep: Nick Zerwas <br />Brick Block rep: Keith Holme (Kempers) <br />Tamara Ackerman (Avalon) <br />SW Main Street Block rep <br />SE Main Street Block rep <br />Bank of ER rep: <br />First Nat'l Bank rep: <br />New Commercial reps: <br />Bill Houlton <br />Jeff Krueger (Daddyo's) <br />Fred McCoy (McCoy's) <br />Pat Dwyer <br />Dave Rymanowski <br />Vern Hanson, MetroPlains <br />Denny Walsh, broker <br />Focus Group Tasks - <br />l. Develop and recommend modifications to the city's regulatory and administrative <br />parking permit process (Phase I -for implementation Spring 2007 through Spring 2008). <br />2. Develop and recommend policies for transition of employee parking to the periphery of <br />downtown (Phase II -for implementation Summer 2008). <br />3. Develop analysis and recommend policies for future consideration of parking ramp <br />(Phase III -for implementation in the future). <br />Meeting Schedule & Work Plan - <br />HOMEWORK -Read 2005 Parking Taskforce Report <br />- Read Nov. 20, 2006 Staff Report of Parking Assumptions <br />Meeting 1 - Monday, February 12th -gam <br />1. Introductions <br />2. Reviewed Focus Group tasks <br />3. Expectations -work plan & meeting schedule <br />4. Discussed background report, assumptions & existing conditions <br />5. Reviewed current parking regulations & provide input on issues of concern <br />Meeting 2 - Monday, February 26th -gam <br />1. Recap of last meeting & review purpose of this meeting <br />2. Reviewed & discussed proposed changes to parking regulations & permitting process (as <br />drafted by Chief Beahen) <br />S:\Downtown Revitalization\Parking\2007 Parking Focus Group\Parking Focus Group Work Plan.revised.doc <br />